SRGSSR / pillarbox-apple

A next-generation reactive media playback ecosystem for Apple platforms.
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Decide behavior at playlist item end #173

Closed defagos closed 4 months ago

defagos commented 1 year ago

As a user I want a consistent user experience when playback ends. As a Pillarbox integrator I want to have flexibility in choosing how the player behaves when playback ends, in particular at the end of a playlist.

Acceptance criteria

The following questions have found an answer:

Expected output:

Hints (for stories)


defagos commented 1 year ago

We currently have an inconsistency at the end of playback. The current publisher preserves the last item while the queue player moves to the next item (default actionAtItemEnd). As a result the control center displays the media which just has been finished, which does not match the player true state.


How must the player behave when reaching the end of the playlist? Should the current item index be returned to nil?

Should behave according to actionAtItemEnd. Currently we have the default behavior but later we could also expose other modes. We could either provide the built-in mode or we could add smarter modes like move forward in a playlist but pause on the last item, for example.

Should we let actionAtItemEnd be customized? (intuition: probably) Should we have built-in meaningful... If we provide built-in behaviors

Possibly later, we don't know what users need yet. Will write a story.

In general how should states evolve... We should also ensure that control center metadata is correctly updated

Related problems. Will write a separate story.

How should the player behave

Will write a separate story.

defagos commented 1 year ago

Created issues #304, #305 and #306.

defagos commented 4 months ago

As discussed with @mbruegmann and @nicolasbrunnersrf and the rest of the team:

This behavior would be consistent with other platforms:

defagos commented 4 months ago

To let apps chain between items something like the following should likely be possible, maybe with a dedicated shorter formalism:

// ...
.onReceive(player.propertiesPublisher.slice(at: \.playbackState).receiveOnMainThread()) { state in
    if state == .ended {

A short test shows that this jumps to the last item in the playlist so we probably have a minor bug when advancing to the next item is made at item end.

defagos commented 4 months ago

A dedicated implementation task has been created. Closed.