SRGSSR / pillarbox-apple

A next-generation reactive media playback ecosystem for Apple platforms.
MIT License
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apple audio avfoundation avplayer drm fairplay hls ios media playback player reactive streaming swift swiftui tvos video

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Pillarbox is the iOS and tvOS modern reactive SRG SSR player ecosystem implemented on top of AVFoundation and AVKit. Pillarbox has been designed with robustness, efficiency and flexibilty in mind, with full customization of:

[!IMPORTANT] Even though Pillarbox offers features that are specific to our company, its player is fully generic and can be used to play any kind of content.


Pillarbox player provides all essential playback features you might expect:

In addition Pillarbox provides the ability to play all SRG SSR content through a dedicated package.


Here are a few examples of layouts which can be achieved using Pillarbox and SwiftUI, directly borrowed from our demo project:


From left to right:


The library is suitable for applications running on iOS 16, tvOS 16 and above.


The library can be integrated using Swift Package Manager directly within Xcode. You can also declare the library as a dependency of another one directly in the associated Package.swift manifest.

If you want your application to run on Silicon Macs as an iPad application you must add -weak_framework MediaPlayer to your target Other Linker Flags setting.


Pillarbox documentation includes articles, tutorials and an API reference to help you learn more about available features and how to integrate them into your application.

[!TIP] If you discover errors in the documentation or if some documentation is missing please file a dedicated issue. You can also directly submit documentation improvements via pull requests.

DocC documentation

Documentation is available as a DocC documentation catalog. This catalog must be built by opening the project with Xcode and selecting Product > Build Documentation. You can then access it right from within the Xcode documentation window.

Online documentation

Documentation for each major product provided by Pillarbox can also be found online on Swift Package Index:

Documentation is also available for companion products:

[!TIP] Documentation available from the above links opens for the latest tag. Use Swift Package Index navigation top bar to quickly switch to another tag or main.

Miscellaneous documentation

Further documentation is also available by following the links below:


The package provides a single plugin which automatically inserts correct versioning information into binaries. This plugin must be trusted interactively when a project integrating Pillarbox is built using Xcode for the first time.

On a continuous integration server you must trust plugins automatically by setting an appropriate default:

defaults write IDESkipPackagePluginFingerprintValidatation -bool YES

If you are using Xcode Cloud this can be achieved with a custom build script.

If your project is built with xcodebuild directly the same effect can be achieved by passing the -skipPackagePluginValidation option.

Code example

With Pillarbox creating a custom video player user interface has never been easier. Simply instantiate a Player and start building your user interface in SwiftUI right away:

import PillarboxPlayer
import SwiftUI

struct PlayerView: View {
    @StateObject private var player = Player(
        item: .simple(url: URL(string: "")!)

    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            VideoView(player: player)
            Button(action: player.togglePlayPause) {
                Image(systemName: player.shouldPlay ? "" : "")
                    .frame(width: 80, height: 80)

With the expressiveness of SwiftUI, our rich playback API and the set of components at your disposal you will have a full-fledged player user interface in no time.


If you want to contribute to the project have a look at our contributing guide.


See the LICENSE file for more information.