SST-1M-collaboration / sst1mpipe

Single-Mirror Small Size Telescope for observations of gamma-rays above 3 TeV
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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SST-1M pipeline

The sst1mpipe repository is used for processing and analyzing data from the SST-1M prototype. Currently, two SST-1M telescopes are installed in Ondrejov, Czech Republic, operation in both mono and stereo observation modes. The SST-1M pipeline is based on ctapipe and draws inspiration from cta-lstchain. Some funcionalities for stereoscopic reconstruction are inspired by magic-cta-pipe.

sst1mpipe provides tools for low-level data analysis up to DL3, which can be further analyzed using standard tools such as gammapy.


v0.3.5 of sst1mpipe was the last one before the repository was made public. Old releases are available only to the members of SST-1M Consortium and can be found in a privare repository sst1mpipe-old.


The advanced package and environment management system, Anaconda, Miniconda or Mamba, is needed to be installed first.

The Mamba is recomended due to some (quite often occured) stucks at solving environment on Anaconda. Up to now Mamba works well.

Set up environment based on Mamba (also described in

curl -L -O "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
bash Mambaforge-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh


wget "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
bash Mambaforge-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh

For users

wget$SST1MPIPE_VER.tar.gz tar -xvf v$SST1MPIPE_VER.tar.gz cd sst1mpipe-$SST1MPIPE_VER conda env create -n sst1m-$SST1MPIPE_VER -f environment.yml conda activate sst1m-$SST1MPIPE_VER pip install -e .

### For developers
- download latest development vertsion from git repository
- create and activate <b>conda</b> environment
- install <b>sst1mpipe</b>

git clone conda env create -f sst1mpipe/environment.yml conda activate sst1m-dev pip install -e sst1mpipe