STAT545-UBC-hw-2018-19 / hw01-JasmineLib

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Jasmine's Homework01 Assignment

This Repo is where I will be submitting exercises for the first STAT 545A homework assignment :bowtie:

Note: I initially misunderstood homework assignment, so there are two sets of files in this Repo. The correct files are: STAT545_Gapminder_Updated.Rmd and

Graph output files can be found here.

The other files and STAT545_Gapminder_hw01.Rmd contain an analysis of a small vector dataset that I created, and performed a t-test on.

Please consider the "updated" files as my homework submission, but feel free to look through the other files as I would love any suggestions on how to improve the code.

About Me!

I'm a second year MSc Student in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Briefly, we study translation and use RNA viruses as a model to study unique translation mechanisms. I'm excited to be taking this class, so I can do better analyses of my data, as well as start learning skills for future jobs!

Fun Facts

Homework01 Task List :books:

  1. -[x] Introduce myself in this ReadMe
  2. -[x] Gapminder exploration - and STAT545_Gapminder_Updated.Rmd files
  3. -[x] Reflection - submitted on UBC Canvas
