STAT545-UBC-hw-2018-19 / hw07-lsloboda

hw07-lsloboda created by GitHub Classroom
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This repo contains the files relevant to STAT 545 Homework 07. The homework file is located here.


Item Status
Add a function to the R powers package:
Define & export min. 1 new function :thumbsup:
Give arguments sensible defaults :thumbsup:
Update the documentation :thumbsup:
Perform min. 3 unit tests for common cases :thumbsup:
Pass 'check' without errors :thumbsup:
Update the README and vignette :thumbsup:
Modify the instructions to tell someone how to install the package :thumbsup:

Build Status

Note: This R package is not mean to be "serious". It's just for teaching purposes.


This is an R package that gives sqrt() friends by providing other power functions.


You can install powers from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


See the vignette for more extensive use, but here's an example of the boxcox function:

#powers::boxcox(1:10, 2)

For Developers

(Again, I don't actually intend for anyone to develop this silly package, but if I did, here's what I'd write.)

Use the internal pow function as the machinery for the front-end functions such as square, cube, reciprocal, and boxcox.