STAT545-UBC-hw-2018-19 / hw07-rasiimwe

hw07-rasiimwe created by GitHub Classroom
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nplots is an R package that generates various plots without you worrying about writing multiple lines of code or the details of the application of the The Grammar of Graphics when creating plots. The background machinery of nplots is based off of ggplot and takes care of all the code required to generate a plot. All you need to do is specify plot arguments and you are good to go!

nplots comes with two preliminary functions, nplots_scatter() and nplots_violin() that help you generate scatter plots and violin plots respectively. To use these functions, you provide the data, plot aesthetics and arguments like the plot title and x and y labels. You can also specify other parameters like the alpha and hjust values, you can specify whether you would like to have geom_jitter in a plot or whether you would like the plot converted into plotly!!! Please visit this vignette on details of usage


The released version of nplots is available and can easily be installed from github with:

#this is the nplots development version from Github

#also install the following required packages

Load required libraries



When using ggplot, you will normally work with the structure of the below code:

#creating a dataset to work with
mean_lifeExp_cont <- gapminder %>% 
  group_by(continent, year) %>% 
  summarise(mean_lifeExp = mean(lifeExp))

mp_plot <- mean_lifeExp_cont %>% 
  ggplot(aes(year, mean_lifeExp, color = continent)) +
  geom_line(size = 0.5) +
  scale_color_manual(values = continent_colors) + 
  geom_point(shape = 3, stat = 'summary', fun.y = sum) +
  stat_summary(fun.y = sum, geom = "line") + 
  theme_bw() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = mean_lifeExp_cont$year) +
  labs(title = "Mean life expectancy of each continent over the years") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

The purpose of nplots is to save you the trouble of writing or re-writing the numerous lines of code :point_up_2: that generate a plot whenever you need to generate one or a similar plot.

Example1: Generating a Scatter plot using nplots_scatter()

This is a basic example which shows how to create a scatter plot:

nplots_scatter(gapminder, gapminder$lifeExp, gapminder$gdpPercap, xlab="lifeExp", ylab="gdpPercap", title="lifeExp Vs GdpPercap", plotly=FALSE, alpha=0.19, hjust=0.5)

Example2: Generating a Violin plot using nplots_violin()

This is a basic example which shows how to create a violin plot:

nplots_violin(gapminder, gapminder$gdpPercap, gapminder$continent, jitter=TRUE, order=TRUE, xlab="", ylab="gdpPercap", title="gdpPercap across contients", plotly=FALSE, alpha=0.05, hjust=0.6)

Getting help

For Developers

nplots is based on the ggplots2 pacakge and was developed to provide plot generation functions without a user worrying about the details of The Grammar of Graphics. This is version 0.1.0 and includes two functions, nplots_scatter() and nplots_violin() to generate scatter and violin plots respectively. Future versions will incorporate other plot types like line, box, column e.t.c