STAT545-UBC-hw-2019-20 / stat545-hw-HJMcSorley

stat545-hw-HJMcSorley created by GitHub Classroom
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TA feedback hw05 #13

Open wvictor14 opened 5 years ago

wvictor14 commented 5 years ago

Hi Hannah,

Great work on the assignment! I think you did an excellent job, unfortunately one of the exercises wasn't quite followed exactly. It's also clear that you have adopted and learned the core concepts that we covered in class. I'm confident in your ability to take what you've learned in this course and apply it to when you use R in future research projects.

Some small feedback,

I know the here package is confusing, and also that your "audience" was us, the TAs who know a lot about R. But I found the writing in E1 difficult to follow. I don't know how you write otherwise, but I get the impression that you are a very detailed-oriented person? If you were to re-write this paragraph, I would suggest to take a step back and identify the main 1-2 points that you want to get across, and then center every other sentence around those two points. I would try to write with as little jargon as possible, as if you were explaining it to your grandparents or people with little experience with R / computers.
