STAT545-UBC-hw-2019-20 / stat545-hw-HJMcSorley

stat545-hw-HJMcSorley created by GitHub Classroom
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Repository Description

This repository (repo) is dedicated to my homework assignments for UBC's STAT 545A course (Winter term 1, 2019). Homework assignments will be named as "hw"+(assignment number).

For example: "hw01" means "homework assignment 1"

GitHub Pages

GitHub pages has been enabled for this repo. The root directory URL to view any of my HTML rendered homework assignments is:

:point_right: just add the homework file path to view as a web page.

Nice to meet you

My name is Hannah McSorley, thanks for visiting my STAT 545 homework repo! (Soon) you can check out my user account to see the evolution of my code. I started learning R in Dan Moore's GEOB 503A (Topics in Geomorphology and Hydrology, UBC 2018), and just started learning about GitHub in STAT 545 (2019). My work might be a bit janky to begin with but I'm constantly working to improve my coding and data management skills!