This repository (repo) is dedicated to my homework assignments for UBC's STAT 545A course (Winter term 1, 2019). Homework assignments will be named as "hw"+(assignment number).
For example: "hw01" means "homework assignment 1"
GitHub pages has been enabled for this repo. The root directory URL to view any of my HTML rendered homework assignments is:
:point_right: just add the homework file path to view as a web page.
My name is Hannah McSorley, thanks for visiting my STAT 545 homework repo! (Soon) you can check out my user account to see the evolution of my code. I started learning R in Dan Moore's GEOB 503A (Topics in Geomorphology and Hydrology, UBC 2018), and just started learning about GitHub in STAT 545 (2019). My work might be a bit janky to begin with but I'm constantly working to improve my coding and data management skills!