STAT545-UBC-hw-2019-20 / stat545-hw-HJMcSorley

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Peer Review 04 #9

Closed dy-lin closed 4 years ago

dy-lin commented 4 years ago

Peer-Review HW-04 for Hannah McSorley

Topic Excellent Satisfactory Needs Work
Coding style :heavy_check_mark:
Coding strategy :heavy_check_mark:
Presentation: graphs :heavy_check_mark:
Presentation: tables :heavy_check_mark:
Achievement, creativity :heavy_check_mark:
Ease of access :heavy_check_mark:


Elaborate On Above

full_join(guest, email2, by = c("name" = "guest")) %>% DT:datatable(caption = "Super Guestlist: all wedding guests")

### Some Specific Praise
* I like that you commented your code with what you're planning to do, it makes the code much easier to understand
* I like the colour scheme of your `html_document`
* **Achievement, creativity**: I admire you for choosing the more complicated options to complete 👍 

### Something I Learned
* I can add captions to `kable` by using the `caption =` argument

### Some Specific Constructive Criticism
* There is an y vs x plot that is not very informative
* In fact, it looks like your x and y values correspond to years (so your axis scales need to be changed) 
* The one data point doesn't really inform of anything

### Something You Struggled With
* In Exercise 3.1 and 3.3, you can see your datatable extends past the width of the code chunk boxes. In order to fit them to the same width, you can add a scroll bar (see my assignment for an example), by modifying your code slightly (taken from Exercise 3.3), using the `options =` argument in `datatable()`:

make a super guest list by joining both tibbles

superlist will have all the jokes from 'guest' nibble, whether we have their email or not, as well as folks who we have email for who weren't included on the guest list.

full_join(guest, email %>% mutate(guest = strsplit(as.character), ", ")) %>% unnest(guest), by = c("name = "guest")) %>% DT:datatable(caption = "Super Guestlist: all wedding guests", options = list(scrollX = TRUE, fixedColumns = TRUE))

* **Coding strategy**: I think it's easier to use `separate_rows()` for Exercise 3 instead of what you actually did: 

Replace this:

email %>% mutate(guest = strsplit(as.character), ", ")) %>% unnest(guest)

With this:

separate_rows(email, guest, sep = ", ")