STAT545-UBC-hw-2019-20 / stat545-hw-belalanik

stat545-hw-belalanik created by GitHub Classroom
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TA feedback for hw04 #9

Open wvictor14 opened 4 years ago

wvictor14 commented 4 years ago

Hi Belal,

Great work overall, here is some feedback: <- email %>% 
  separate_rows(guest, sep = ", ") %>% 
  rename(name = guest) <- guest %>% 
  left_join(, by = "name") 
  DT::datatable( <- email %>% 
  separate_rows(guest, sep = ", ") %>% 
  rename(name = guest) <- guest %>% 
  left_join(, by = "name") 


This is just a best practices thing that helps more than you might think, especially when your scripts become much longer. I just wanted to comment on this since I saw that you are using tabs a lot in your homework.

Cheers, Victor