STAT545-UBC-hw-2019-20 / stat545-hw-belalanik

stat545-hw-belalanik created by GitHub Classroom
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Exploratory data analysis using GitHub and R

This is an MSc level course taught in the University of British Columbia (UBC). This is my homework repository where I will keep my assignments in the folder hw'#number' (e.g., hw01 means homework 01).


Introduction of myself

Hi. I am Md. Belal Hossain (Belal). I am doing MSc in Population and Public Health under the School of Population and Public Health, the UBC, Canada. I have completed my Bachelor and MSc in Applied Statistics from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. I have worked for BRAC (the largest non-government organization in the world) and BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, Bangladesh for three years. I found both data analysis and data visualizations are very important tools and integral parts of public health research. I hope this Exploratory data analysis course will help me to boost my capabilities and will help me to think beyond statistics. As currently, I am also working as a Graduate Research Assistant in the UBC, I hope this course will also help me to learn and apply data analysis tools and visualization techniques using GitHub and R. The following two things are particularly I want to learn from this course:

  1. Appropriate data analysis techniques using R and GitHub
  2. Efficient data visualization tools

The additional things that I want to learn are:

You can find me at :email: