SUNET / cnaas-front

CNaaS Web Frontend
2 stars 5 forks source link


simple standalone dev setup

  1. download node
  2. download npm
  3. navigate to the cnaas-front folder
  4. run npm i to install all the dependencies
  5. run: npm start to bundle the js files
  6. navigate to http://localhost:1234 in browser

full interactive dev setup with docker-compose

This guide will show you how to set up cnaas-nms on your local machine for development. The components will run in Docker-containers.

The cnaas-nms frontend will also run inside a Docker container and update interactively with every code change.

clone the repositories

Clone the source code for frontend and API. Both should be in the same parent directory.

git clone cnaas-front
git clone cnaas-nms

setup and run docker-compose

Navigate to cnaas-front/.

cd cnaas-front

You will find a docker-compose.yaml file here.

This file is used to run docker-compose and build all containers. This takes forever the first time.

docker-compose up -d

As soon as the built is finished, docker-compose will start the containers.

set up the auth container

A script will set up the auth container for you. This script will create a certificate to verify JWTokens issued by the auth server. It will also create a user named "cnaas" with password "cnaascnaascnaas".

docker cp docker/front-dev/ cnaas-front_auth_1:/opt/auth-server-poc/
docker exec -t cnaas-front_auth_1 /bin/chmod u+x /opt/auth-server-poc/
docker exec -t cnaas-front_auth_1 /opt/auth-server-poc/

copy the key for JWT authentication

The public key file is used to verify JWTokens between the auth server and the API. public.pem has to be copied from the auth container to the API container:

docker cp cnaas-front_auth_1:/opt/auth-server-poc/cert/public.pem .
docker cp public.pem cnaas-front_api_1:/opt/cnaas/jwtcert/public.pem
rm public.pem
docker exec -u root -t cnaas-front_api_1 /bin/chown root:www-data /opt/cnaas/jwtcert/public.pem

Then, restart the API application.

docker exec -t cnaas-front_api_1 /usr/bin/killall uwsgi

Alternatively, you can restart the whole API container.

docker-compose restart api

add some devices to the database

docker exec -i cnaas-front_postgres_1 /usr/bin/psql -U cnaas cnaas < docker/front-dev/cnaas.pgdump

Some errors and warnings will appear. You can ignore those.

check it's all working

On the host system (that's your computer), you can now run the following commands to ensure that everything is working: auth, API and frontend.


curl -ks https://localhost:2443/api/v1.0/auth -X POST -u cnaas -p

This should return an access token if you enter the password correctly. It should look something like this:

{"access_token": "exceedingly.ridiculouslyrandomlylookinglongstring"}

This token can be used to authenticate with the cnaas-nms REST API, instead of username/password.

Next, create a .env file and fill in the token (whatever was returned as the exceedingly.ridiculouslyrandomlylookinglongstring without the JSON wrapper) as JWT_AUTH_TOKEN.

echo 'JWT_AUTH_TOKEN="exceedingly.ridiculouslyrandomlylookinglongstring"' > .env


Next, load the token into the JWT_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable with source and define an alias command that allows you to authenticate with the cnaas-nms REST API using this token. (The alias is defined for the current shell session only. You can add the alias line to your .bashrc to make it permanent.)

source .env
alias curlJ='curl -k -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json"'

curlJ https://localhost/api/v1.0/devices | jq

This should return a list of two test devices.


Point your browser to You should be able to log into the frontend with the user credentials mentioned earlier and click through the tabs.


This project uses ESLint and Prettier. Prettier is for formatting rules, while ESLint is for code quality rules.

The extended ESLint rules in use are

The last two rules are for compitability with Prettier and are both set up with the line "plugin:prettier/recommended" in .eslintrc.json, please note that it needs to be the last entry to properly override previous rules.

To use prettier on file, use

npx prettier <file name> --write