SURFscz / COmanage-ldapfixedprovisioner

COmanage Plugin for the LDAP Provisioner with fixed configuration
Apache License 2.0
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comanage comanage-registry ldap provisioning


This is a plugin for the COManage Registry application as provided and maintained by the Internet2 foundation.

This project has the following deployment goals:

COManage LdapFixedProvisioner Plugin

COManage comes with a configurable LDAP Provisioning Plugin that allows CO administrators to configure with great detail what kind of information needs to be synchronised with which LDAP connection. However, in the specific case for which this plugin was intended, the hosting party requires that the LDAP scheme follows a fixed, predetermined setup that must not, under any circumstance, be changed by the CO administrator. For that reason, this plugin allows provisioning to an LDAP server using a scheme that is configurable using the app configuration instead of using the regular LDAP configuration.


The provisioning plugin must be installed in the local/Plugin directory of the COManage installation. Optionally, you can install it in the app/AvailablePlugins directory and link to it from the local/Plugin directory.

After installation, run the Cake database update script as per the COManage instructions:

app/Console/cake database

You can now select the LdapFixedProvisioner plugin for your COManage Registry groups.


The LdapFixedProvisioner allows configuration of an LDAP server connection and LDAP scheme using the Cake application configuration. Configuration uses the PhpReader Configuration reader to read an array of values. An example configuration is provided in the Config directory of this Plugin.

The configuration resides inside a config variable and specifies basic server information, behaviour information and objectclass and attribute information:

People are exported in an OU with DN ou=People,o=<CO>,<base DN>, groups are exported in an OU with DN ou=Groups,o=<CO>,<base DN> and services, if enabled, are exported in an OU with DN ou=Services,o=<CO>,<base DN>. The <CO> is replaced with the name of the CO of which the CoPerson, CoGroup or CoService record is a part.

For each enabled objectclass, a configuration hash/dictionary/keyed array can be specified with all attributes that need to be determined for that objectclass. Basic objectclasses supported by this plugin are:

The attributes required for the classes (sn, cn, member, uidNumber, gidNumber, sshPublicKey, uid, etc.) are generated automatically whenever the associated objectclass is enabled. This follows the same behaviour as the well known LdapProvisioner plugin.

For each attribute, the configuration can specify a relevant type of item and the object origin. For a lot of types this is irrelevant, but especially for the name, address and identifier types this allows control over the exact name, address or identifier type used to generate the attribute, as well as the origin (COPerson or OrgIdentity).

The type is determined by using the string representation of the relevant COmanage enum (see app/Lib/enums.php in the COmanage source code). Examples are 'uid', 'eppn', 'orcid' for identifiers, 'official', 'campus' and 'home' for contact addresses and 'official' or 'preferred' for names, email and telephone. The type name is converted to lowercase to make sure it matches user specified extended types.

For the group membership attributes member, memberUID and hasMember, the configured DNs of the relevant CoPerson records are used. It is not possible to indicate a different DN generation scheme for members of a group. This also means that records that are member of a group, but that are not provisioned for some reason (missing attribute for DN generation usually), are absent from the membership attributes.

If the relevant information should be taken from data associated with the OrgIdentity of this person instead of the data associated with the CoPerson object, a second entry can be specified, semicolon separated, containing the text 'org'. For relevant identifiers and address or name components this will force the algorithm to use the OrgIdentity as source. Examples are shown below.

Whenever the specification does not differ from the default setting, a value of TRUE can be used to keep the defaults as specified in the comments below:
Use defaults:
<attribute> => TRUE
Use as basic type for data related to this attribute, use COPerson or OrgIdentity as specified in the defaults: <attribute> => '<type>'
Use OrgIdentity as base object:
<attribute> => '<type>;org'
Use COPerson as base object:
<attribute> => '<type>;person'

Please note that the configuration array key should match the relevant switch case in the provisioner code. I.e., this name cannot be changed, the line can only be enabled. The following example is an exhaustive list of all possible attribute generation cases. The things that are configurable are:


posixGroup requires a gidNumber identifier, but groups in COmanage cannot have attributes. At the moment, a gidNumber is fabricated by adding the internal COmanage value to a base value. The default value of this base value is 10000, but you can specify a different base number as the 'type' of gidNumber:

    'gidNumber' => '15000'

This is a questionable use of the 'type' field though, so this configuration may change in the future.

Both posixGroup and groupOfNames are supported as objectclass for group type structures. However, both of these LDAP structures are of type STRUCTURAL, which means they cannot be both used for exporting groups.


Each object automatically has the 'extensibleObject' objectclass added to it. Through this objectclass, the plugin generates the 'dnQualifier' attribute and initialises it with the COmanage database identifier of the relevant CO. This behaviour cannot be configured.


The description field of each object is filled with a JSON encoded data blob. The content of this data blob can be configured using the descriptions attribute of the configuration.

For each model type (CoPerson, CoGroup, CoService, Co, Cou), the descriptions configuration can contain an array of key-values, where the key is the blob attribute name and the value is the model field. A field from a different model can also be specified using dot notation, e.g.: or

A default model called default can be specified to be used if no model specific description configuration is present. If no description is present at all, the plugin defaults to 'descriptions' => array('default' => array('description'=>'description')), which means it will fill the description attribute with a JSON blob that contains the model description field (if present).

DN Attribute Name

The configuration allows selecting a different name for the DN attribute than used to select the type (see dn_attribute_name and dn_identifier_type). The LFP will automatically add an attribute named after dn_attribute_name to the set of attributes for LDAP if it does not exist or does not match the value of dn_identifier_type. This is to satisfy LDAP requirements. However, if this attribute is not supported by any of the objectclasses configured, it is not generated in the end after all and LDAP will throw an error. Usually, dn_attribute_name is one of cn or uid, both of which are supported by regular LDAP objectclasses. The dn_identifier_type should then match the login identifier of the CoPerson for example.

Missing Required Attributes

The LFP checks all generated attributes before provisioning to see if all required attributes for the configured objectclasses are present. If required attributes are missing, these objectclasses are silently removed. After this step, the LFP checks that all generated attributes are covered by the remaining objectclasses. Any attributes not supported by the remaining objectclasses are then also silently removed.

This allows configuration of the ldapPublicKey objectclass in cases where a subset of the users has a SSH key configured. In this case, the LFP will provision all users and only add an SSH key attribute for users that actually have the key uploaded in COmanage.

Not implemented attributes

In the example configuration below, some attributes on the organization and organizationalUnit are marked as not implemented. There is an entry in the plugin to generate this information, but currently COmanage does not have any meaningful data model to register information like this, so nothing is generated for these attributes.

These objectclasses can have more attributes as well, next to the ones listed, but no generation options are present for those missing options. The 'optional unimplemented attributes' are lingering in between implementations in that respect and are only mentioned here for completeness.

Objectclasses for CO and COU

Co and Cou grouping information is generated whenever a CoPerson object is provisioned. Such a provisioning occurs whenever a CoPerson is added or removed from a group and this includes the administrative groups of Co and Cou. If a Co or Cou changes its name, this information is not provisioned directly, as Co and Cou are not provisionable by themselves.

Provisioning of Co and Cou uses an internal objectclass specification, regardless of the enabled objectclasses in the configuration file. For a Co, the objectclass organization is enabled with some default settings and for a Cou the objectclass organizationalUnit is enabled. Although you can decide to enable or disable these objectclasses in the configuration, this does not have any effect. The objectclasses are listed in the below example only for sake of completeness.


  'fixedldap' => array(
    'basedn'  => 'ou=dc=example,dc=com',
    # configuring like this will lead to DNs like
    # uid=<sorid ID>,ou=People,ou=<CO name>,dc=example,dc=com
    'dn_attribute_name' => 'uid',
    'dn_identifier_type' => 'sorid',

    # set an optional scope suffix
    #'scope_suffix' => '',

    # remove unused attributes (default FALSE)
    #'remove_unused' => FALSE,

    # generate a separate ou for all services
    #'services' => FALSE,

    'server' => array(
      'url' => 'ldap:///',
      'binddn' => 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com',
      'password' => 'SuperSecret',

    # list all additional objectclasses for a COPerson record
    'person_ocs' => array(),

    # list all additional objectclasses for a Group record
    'group_ocs' => array(),

    # description JSON blob content
    'descriptions' => array(
        'default' => array(
            'description' => 'description'
        'CoPerson' => array('
            'description' => 'name'
        'CoGroup' => array(
            'description' => 'description',
            'comanage-id' => '',
            'co-name' => ''

    # list all enabled schemata
    'schemata' => array(
      'person',                 # required
      'organizationalPerson',   # required
      'inetOrgPerson',          # required
#     'eduPerson',              # optional
#     'groupOfNames',           # optional
#     'eduMember',              # optional
#     'posixAccount',           # optional
#     'posixGroup',             # optional
#     'ldapPublicKey',          # optional
#     'voPerson',               # optional
#     'organization',           # optional, enforced for Cos
#     'organizationalUnit',     # optional, enforced for Cous
#     'labeledUriObject',       # optional
    'person' => array(
      'sn' => 'official',              # required
      'cn' => 'official',              # required
#     'pwdAccountLockedTime' => TRUE,  # optional
#     'userPassword' => TRUE,          # optional
    'organizationalPerson' => array (
#     'title' => TRUE,                      # optional
#     'ou' => TRUE,                         # optional
#     'telephoneNumber' => 'office',        # optional, default 'office' contact
#     'facsimileTelephoneNumber' => 'fax',  # optional, default 'fax' contact
#     'street' => 'office',                 # optional
#     'l' => 'office',                      # optional
#     'st' => 'office',                     # optional
#     'postalCode' => 'office',             # optional
    'organization' => array(
#      'userPassword' => TRUE,              # optional, not implemented
#      'telephoneNumber' => TRUE,           # optional, not implemented
#      'facsimileTelephoneNumber' => TRUE,  # optional, not implemented
#      'street' => TRUE,                    # optional, not implemented
#      'postalCode' => TRUE,                # optional, not implemented
#      'postalAddress' => TRUE,             # optional, not implemented
#      'st' => TRUE,                        # optional, not implemented
#      'l' => TRUE,                         # optional, not implemented
      'description' => TRUE,                # optional
    'organizationalUnit' => array(
#      'userPassword' => TRUE,              # optional, not implemented
#      'telephoneNumber' => TRUE,           # optional, not implemented
#      'facsimileTelephoneNumber' => TRUE,  # optional, not implemented
#      'street' => TRUE,                    # optional, not implemented
#      'postalCode' => TRUE,                # optional, not implemented
#      'postalAddress' => TRUE,             # optional, not implemented
#      'st' => TRUE,                        # optional, not implemented
#      'l' => TRUE,                         # optional, not implemented
      'description' => TRUE,                # optional
    'labeledUriObject' => array(
      'labeledURI' => TRUE,                 # optional
    'inetOrgPerson' => array(
#     'givenName' => 'official',     # optional
#     'displayName' => 'preferred',  # optional, default 'preferred' name
#     'o' => TRUE,                   # optional
#     'mail' => 'official',          # optional, default 'official' address
#     'mobile' => 'mobile',          # optional, default 'mobile' number
#     'employeeNumber' => 'eppn',    # optional, default 'eppn' identifier
#     'employeeType' => TRUE,        # optional
#     'roomNumber' => TRUE,          # optional
#     'uid' => 'uid;org',            # optional, default 'uid' identifier of OrgIdentity
#     'labeldUri' => 'official,      # optional, default 'official' URI
    'eduPerson' => array(
#     'eduPersonAffiliation' => TRUE,               # optional
#     'eduPersonEntitlement' => TRUE,               # optional
#     'eduPersonNickname' => 'preferred',           # optional, default 'preferred' name
#     'eduPersonOrcid' => ';org',                   # optional, default of OrgIdentity
#     'eduPersonPrincipalName' => 'eppn;org',       # optional, default 'eppn' identifier, of OrgIdentity
#     'eduPersonPrincipalNamePrior' => 'eppn',      # optional, default 'eppn' identifier
#     'eduPersonScopedAffiliation' => TRUE,         # optional
#     'eduPersonUniqueId' => 'enterprise',          # optional, default 'enterprise' identifier
    'groupOfNames' => array(
      'cn' => TRUE,          # required
      'member' => TRUE,      # required
#     'owner' => TRUE,       # optional
#     'description' => TRUE, # optional
    'eduMember' => array(
#      'isMemberOf' => TRUE,   # optional
#      'hasMember' => TRUE,    # optional
    'posixAccount' => array(
      'cn' => TRUE,            # required
      'uid' => 'uid;org',      # required
      'uidNumber' => TRUE,     # required
      'gidNumber' => TRUE,     # required
      'homeDirectory' => TRUE, # required
#     'loginShell' => TRUE,    # optional
#     'gecos' => TRUE,         # optional
#     'userPassword' => TRUE,  # optional
    'posixGroup' => array(
      'cn' => TRUE,            # required
      'gidNumber' => TRUE,     # required
#     'userPassword' => TRUE,  # optional
#     'memberUID' => TRUE,     # optional
#     'description' => TRUE,   # optional
    'ldapPublicKey' => array(
      'sshPublicKey' => TRUE,  # required
      'uid' => 'uid'           # required, default 'uid' identifier of OrgIdentity
    'voPerson' => array(
#     'voPersonApplicationUID' => 'uid',      # optional, default 'uid' identifier
#     'voPersonAuthorName' => 'author',       # optional, default 'author' name
#     'voPersonCertificateDN' => TRUE,        # optional
#     'voPersonCertificateIssuerDN' => TRUE,  # optional
#     'voPersonExternalID' => 'uid',          # optional, default 'uid' identifier
#     'voPersonID' => 'enterprise',           # optional, default 'enterprise' identifier
#     'voPersonPolicyAgreement' => TRUE,      # optional
#     'voPersonSoRID' => 'sorid',             # optional, default 'sorid' identifier 
#     'voPersonStatus' => TRUE,               # optional


This plugin comes with unit tests for the main CoLdapFixedProvisionerTarget model. Access the Cake unit test page at:

<your path>/registry/test.php

You can select the CoLdapFixedProvisioner plugin for testing there. At the moment of writing, code coverage is not complete.


This plugin is provided AS-IS without any claims whatsoever to its functionality. The code is based largely on COManage Registry code, distributed under the Apache License 2.0.