SUSE / doc-cap

SUSE Cloud Application Platform Documentation
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= SUSE Cloud Application Platform (CAP) Documentation

image:["Build Status", link=""]

This is the source for the official SUSE Cloud Application Platform (CAP) Documentation

Released versions of the documentation will be published at once available.

== Branches

On Jan 29, 2020, we changed to a new branching model. We have switched the default branch from develop to master.

=== How to Update Your Local Repository

If you created a local clone or GitHub fork of this repo before Jan 29, 2020, do the following:

  1. Make sure that your master and develop branches do not contain any important changes. If there are changes on either branch, export them using git format-patch or put them on a different branch.

  2. Go to the master branch: git checkout master .

  3. To pull the latest changes from the remote repository and to delete references to branches that do not exist anymore on the server, run the following command: git pull --prune .

  4. Delete your local develop branch: git branch -D develop.

  5. To check for stale local branches, run: git branch -v. For any branches marked as [gone], check if you still need them. If not, delete them: git branch -D BRANCHNAME

.Overview of important branches [options="header"] |================================================ | Name | Purpose | master | doc development (latest development version) | maintenance/* | maintenance for released versions |================================================

== Contributing

Thank you for contributing to this repo. When creating a pull request, please follow the guidelines below:

. If you want to contribute to the most recent release, create your pull request against the master branch (not develop). The master branch is protected.

. If you want to contribute to a previous release, please create your pull request against the respective maintenance/* branch. These branches are also protected.

. Make sure all validation (Travis CI) checks are passed.

. For your pull request to be reviewed, please tag the relevant subject matter expert(s) from the development team (if applicable) and members of the documentation team.

. Implement the required changes. If you have any questions, ping a documentation team member in #susedoc on RocketChat.

. For help on style and structure, refer to the[Documentation Styleguide].

== Editing DocBook

To contribute to the documentation, you need to write DocBook.