SWI-Prolog / contrib-swiplcs

Interface from C# to SWI-Prolog
24 stars 10 forks source link


        An interface from .Net languages to SWI-Prolog

This library is a .Net (CSharp) interface to SWI-Prolog. The described
interface provides a layer around the C-interface for natural programming from C#. The interface deals with automatic type-conversion to and from Prolog, mapping of exceptions and making queries to Prolog in an easy way. There is a call-back from Prolog to C#.


    Uwe Lesta
    SBS-Softwaresysteme GmbH
    Jasperalleee 13
    D -38102 Braunschweig 

    E-mail:  Lesta@sbs-softwaresysteme.de 

    With contributions from:
    - Arne Skjærholt    first 64-Bit version
    - Batu Akan         Linux support with Mono
    - Foutelet Joel     F# sample
    - Robert Czerny     Bug reports
    - others


    The documantation is at

    The binaries are available at 

If you want to compile SwiplCs only the project SwiPlCs is needed.

To work with Visual Studio install 'Visual Studio Tools for Git' in the Tools - 'Extensions and Updates' menu and connect to https://github.com/SWI-Prolog/contrib-swiplcs

Add the following lines to .git\info\exlude if you like to commit something .sdf .opensdf

SWI_HOME_DIR has to be set as an environment variable to the SWI-Prolog installation Path.

PATH the bin directory of SWI-Prolog has to be added to the PATH environment variable.

Compiler switches

The following compiler switches are in the sources:

Build binaries

To Build the binaries the batch script build_bin_package.bat in the project SwiPlCs-Documentation can be used. Therefor winrar must be installed at c:\programme\winrar\winrar and the Sandcastle Help File Builder (shfb) must be installed.


To run the test on a 64-Bit environment got to the Test menu

Known BUGs
