SWOT-Confluence / datagen

Generates JSON files that serve as input to the Confluence workflow.
Apache License 2.0
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Datagen generates all of the input JSON files needed by each Confluence module to execute in the AWS Batch job environment from the SWOT shapefiles hosted in an S3 bucket.

It generates one input file per continent for the following wher {c} equals the continent abbreviation:

Note: datagen operations have been implemented for SWOT Lake shapefiles but they need to be tested.


datagen also includes subsetting operations. The Path to a JSON file that contains a list of string reach identifiers can be passed into the program using the -u flag and datagen will only produce JSON data for those reaches.


Build a Docker image: docker build -t datagen .


Command line arguments:

Execute a Docker container:

AWS credentials will need to be passed as environment variables to the container so that datagen may access AWS infrastructure to generate JSON files.

# Credentials
export aws_key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

# Docker run command
docker run --rm --name datagen -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$aws_key -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$aws_secret -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2 -e AWS_BATCH_JOB_ARRAY_INDEX=3 -v /mnt/datagen:/data datagen:latest -i -235 -c river -s SHORT_NAME -p PROVIDER -d /data -k XXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX


There is a script to deploy the Docker container image and Terraform AWS infrastructure found in the deploy directory.

Script to deploy Terraform and Docker image AWS infrastructure


Command line arguments:

[1] registry: Registry URI [2] repository: Name of repository to create [3] prefix: Prefix to use for AWS resources associated with environment deploying to [4] s3_state_bucket: Name of the S3 bucket to store Terraform state in (no need for s3:// prefix) [5] profile: Name of profile used to authenticate AWS CLI commands

Example usage: `./deploy.sh "account-id.dkr.ecr.region.amazonaws.com" "container-image-name" "prefix-for-environment" "s3-state-bucket-name" "confluence-named-profile"

Note: Run the script from the deploy directory.