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A Python package for visualizing the output from the Enlil solar wind code.
Read in Enlil data files into an xarray dataset for analysis::
import enlilviz as ev
run = ev.read_enlil2d('wsa_enlil.latest.suball.nc')
evo = ev.read_evo('evo.earth.nc')
Plot time series and slices with the data::
import enlilviz.plotting as evplot
evplot.TimeSeries(run, 'Earth', 'den')
evplot.LongitudeSlice(run, 'den')
evplot.LatitudeSlice(run, 'vel')
You can also generate common figures that are pre-arranged::
forecaster = evplot.ForecasterPlot(run) forecaster.save()
Or iterate through the entire time series to make a movie::
for plot in iter(forecaster): plot.save()