A Dart package that provides convenient access to the Generative Language API. It allows you to interact with the API to generate messages, generate text, embed text, retrieve models, list available models, and count message tokens.
This package is a third party wrapper around the REST API, it is not an official Google package. With that in mind, I have tried to make the package as easy to use as possible, adapting the models and documentation to Dart as accurately as possible. If you encounter any discrepancies, issues, or have suggestions, please file an issue on GitHub.
The PaLM API allows developers to build generative AI applications using the PaLM model. Large Language Models (LLMs) are a powerful, versatile type of machine learning model that enables computers to comprehend and generate natural language through a series of prompts.
The PaLM API is based on Google's next generation LLM, PaLM. It excels at a variety of different tasks like code generation, reasoning, and writing. You can use the PaLM API to build generative AI applications for use cases like content generation, dialogue agents, summarization and classification systems, and more.
Refer to https://developers.generativeai.google/api/rest/generativelanguage for more information.
Before you can use this package, you need to obtain an API key for the Generative Language API. Follow these steps:
Once you have your API key, you can install the package by adding it to your pubspec.yaml
google_generative_language_api: ^latest
Then run flutter pub get
in your terminal.
Import the package into your Dart file:
import 'package:google_generative_language_api/google_generative_language_api.dart';
You can then use the various methods provided by the package like so:
void main() async {
final Model model = await GenerativeLanguageAPI.getModel(
modelName: modelName,
apiKey: 'PALM_API_KEY',
print('Model Name: ${model.name}');
print('Description: ${model.description}');
// Print other relevant model details
void main() async {
final ListModelResponse response =
await GenerativeLanguageAPI.listModels(apiKey: 'PALM_API_KEY');
for (final Model model in response.models) {
print('Name: ${model.name}');
print('Description: ${model.description}');
// Print other relevant model details
if (response.nextPageToken != null) {
print('Next Page Token: ${response.nextPageToken}');
void main() async {
const request = GenerateMessageRequest(
prompt: MessagePrompt(
messages: [
Message(author: '1', content: 'hi'),
final GeneratedMessage generatedMessage =
await GenerativeLanguageAPI.generateMessage(
modelName: 'models/chat-bison-001',
request: request,
apiKey: 'PALM_API_KEY',
print(generatedMessage.messages.map((message) => message.content).join('\n'));
print(generatedMessage.candidates.map((message) => message.content).join('\n'));
void main() async {
const request = GenerateTextRequest(
prompt: TextPrompt(text: 'Write a story about a magic backpack.'),
temperature: 1.0,
candidateCount: 2,
final GeneratedText text = await GenerativeLanguageAPI.generateText(
modelName: 'models/text-bison-001',
request: request,
apiKey: 'PALM_API_KEY',
print(text.candidates.map((candidate) => candidate.output).join('\n'));
void main() async {
const request = EmbedTextRequest(text: 'say something nice!');
final EmbeddedText embed = await GenerativeLanguageAPI.embedText(
modelName: 'models/embedding-gecko-001',
request: request,
apiKey: 'PALM_API_KEY',
void main() async {
final int tokenCount = await GenerativeLanguageAPI.countMessageTokens(
modelName: modelName,
request: CountMessageTokensRequest(prompt: prompt),
apiKey: 'PALM_API_KEY',
print('Token Count: $tokenCount');
For more information, you can refer to the Generative Language API documentation. This package is only a third party wrapper around the REST API.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please file an issue on GitHub.