The project "Legerible" for the module "Big Data" was designed by the following six group members:
The project resembles an online media library on the basis of a big data architecture with all necessary components.
The media library has the primary function of allowing users to loan books. These loans are more reflective of a download functionality but since a true download functionality is out of scope for this project it was decided that it would be considered as a loan instead. To "loan" books one has to be logged in via the log-in functionality which is situated in the top right corner of the page. There are three users created one of which being "nadia" with password "1234". The navigation bar is situated on the left-hand side and can be used to navigate between the different pages.
The first page - the homepage - provides an overview of the ten most loaned books and the total amount of loans and books in the system. The top ten are created as a result of the Kafka messages send to the backend in Spark.
The second page - the "books page" - provides an overview of all books that are saved in the Postgres database depending on if the user is logged a "Loan" button is added to each row of the table. Furthermore, a button is provided to simulate 50 books being loaned at random. Each loan is saved to the database directly and published via Kafka. Additionally, a search function is provided to find books more easily.
The third page - the "profile" page - provides an overview of all user information like address, name, and their loans. Moreover, a user is presented with 4 recommendations based on previously loaned books, which are computed in the spark backend with cosine similarity.
The fourth page - the "loans" page - is an overview of all loans currently in the system.
The chosen architecture for the big data application follows the Kappa paradigm. Data is streamed into the big data
processing system (in our case Spark) and processed as a stream (streaming is achieved with Kafka). The streaming data
is enriched by static data from the database to ensure that all relevant data is taken into consideration.
The streaming source a container streams random ISBNs from the Google books API into a Kafka topic. This simulates new books that would be added to the legerible book platform.
The data stream is then ingested from Kafka by a consumer, added to the database of the library, and processed by Spark to enhance book recommendations. The resulting data from spark processing are then dropped into the data lake, where it can be used for business logic or analysis in the future. The data lake is implemented with Apache Cassandra, a distributed database management system that supports scalability and is fault-tolerant due to replication.
New books are streamed into the system in small quantities, therefore, it is not necessary to form batches of data. Thus, the Kappa architecture, where data is streamed into the system, is preferable in our use-case to using a Lambda architecture in which data is first aggregated into batches.
Kubernetes architecture
Kubernetes is the container management system that enables this distributed application. Different microservices are created, automatically managed and connected to each other. The following illustration shows which Kubernetes resources are used and how they relate to each other:
The dashed boxes on the right are distributed applications that are deployed with helm, a package manager for Kubernetes resources. Cassandra is a distributed database management system that can scale and store data redundantly and is therefore failure-resistant. Kafka is a tool for message streaming and coordination, it is especially useful to reduce communication overhead between different applications. Spark is used to analyze, enrich and manipulate the streaming data.
The boxes on the left are Kubernetes resources that we developed based on Docker images. The flask web app provides a user with an interface for the fictional legerible library, displays information, and ingests user data into the system. The PostgreSQL database stores user and book related data, while the Memcached cache servers provide users with a fast retrieval time for consecutive requests for the same data.
👉 To start the application head on over to k8s/ 👈
There you will find instructions on how to install the necessary software stack and start the BigData Application afterwards.
NOTE: You don't need to follow the setup for minikube and microk8s, you have to decide to use one of them. (minikube is our recommendation)
To access the website in your browser after going through the steps in k8s/
Open website:
Open spark dashboard:
The entire project is not deployable on older hardware or laptops due to the unavailability of CPU cores and RAM. This lead to the majority of participants being unable to test the entire project working at once and seeing if the communication between individual components worked or not.
Trying to utilize a Spark standalone cluster instead of deploying to local introduced a multitude of problems towards the end that resulted in a long troubleshooting process especially due to the nature of the error eluding us for a long time given that the error was:
WARN TaskSchedulerImpl: Initial job has not accepted any resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient resources
This could easily have been in correlation to insufficient RAM or CPU cores for the container. Especially since the primary answers found in the context is that the workers and or the job just needs to be allocated additional resources. Additionally, we found out that the normal way of packaging python libraries and relying on the package installer of the aforementioned cluster doesn't work and we figured out a workaround by using the virtual environment feature and submitting the libraries as an archive instead of as python-files.
The used Kafka installation is also problematic as it takes longer than most containers to stabilize and properly deploy. Leading to multiple crashes during startup and potentially during the stabilization phase, which results in the skaffold not being deployed.
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