Sabyasachi-Seal / GitCode

Transfer all your LeetCode solutions to Github with this !
Apache License 2.0
33 stars 20 forks source link
dsa github leetcode python selenium web-automation

GitCode & GitChef

These tools make it possible to extract all your solutions from LeetCode and CodeChef to your local machine and commit them to a git repository.




This project requires a working Python 3.6+ installation. If the pip package manager is installed and the system is not externally managed (e.g. by the Linux distribution), the Python dependencies are installed automatically. If it is externally managed, you need to install the packages listed in the requirements.txt file or use one of the commands for your Linux distribution.

Arch Linux

This assumes that the AUR package install helper paru is installed. If another one is used, it can usually be substituted with its name or the listed packages are cloned and built itself with makepkg.

# Install dependencies for GitCode
pacman -S python-pysocks python-async_generator python-attrs python-certifi \
          python-charset-normalizer python-exceptiongroup python-h11 python-idna \
          python-outcome python-packaging python-dotenv python-requests python-sniffio \
          python-sortedcontainers python-tqdm python-trio python-trio-websocket \
          python-urllib3 python-wsproto
paru -S python-selenium python-webdriver-manager python-pybrowsers python-poetry

# Install dependencies for GitChef
pacman -S python-html5lib python-lxml python-requests
paru -S python-bs4


Contributions and feedback are welcome!