Safeheron / safeheron-crypto-suites-cpp

Cryptographic primitives developed by Safeheron
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SafeheronCryptoSuites is a foundational cryptographic library developed by Safeheron that covers multiple cryptographic algorithms and primitives, including the following modules:

Build and Install

Linux and Mac are supported now. After obtaining the Source, have a look at the installation script.

# Pass --recurse-submodules to the git clone command, and it will automatically initialize and update each submodule in the repository, including nested submodules if any of the submodules in the repository have submodules themselves.
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd safeheron-crypto-suites-cpp
mkdir build && cd build
# Run "cmake .. -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=Your-Root-Directory-of-OPENSSL  -DENABLE_TESTS=ON" instead of the command below on Mac OS.
# Add the path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable on Mac OS; Ignore it on Linux
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/
make test
sudo make install

More platforms such as Windows would be supported soon.

To start using safeheron-crypto-suites-cpp


CMake is your best option. It supports building on Linux, MacOS and Windows (soon) but also has a good chance of working on other platforms (no promises!). cmake has good support for crosscompiling and can be used for targeting the Android platform.

To build safeheron-crypto-suites-cpp from source, follow the BUILDING guide.

The canonical way to discover dependencies in CMake is the find_package command.


set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release")

find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_search_module(PROTOBUF REQUIRED protobuf)  # this looks for *.pc file
find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
find_package(CryptoSuites REQUIRED)

add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} XXXX.cpp)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC
        pthread )

Some Examples

Big Number(Calculate Jacobi Symbol)

#include "crypto-bn/bn.h"

using safeheron::bignum::BN;

int main(){
    // (1001, 9907) = -1
    BN k(1001);
    BN n(9907);
    EXPECT_TRUE(BN::JacobiSymbol(k, n) == -1);

    // (19, 45) = 1
    k = BN(19);
    n = BN(45);
    EXPECT_TRUE(BN::JacobiSymbol(k, n) == 1);

    // (8, 21) = -1
    k = BN(8);
    n = BN(21);
    EXPECT_TRUE(BN::JacobiSymbol(k, n) == -1);

    // (5, 21) = 1
    k = BN(5);
    n = BN(21);
    EXPECT_TRUE(BN::JacobiSymbol(k, n) == 1);

Operations on Curve

#include "crypto-curve/bn.h"
#include "crypto-curve/curve.h"

using safeheron::bignum::BN;
using safeheron::curve::Curve;
using safeheron::curve::CurvePoint;
using safeheron::curve::CurveType;

int main(){
    // p0 = g^10
    CurvePoint p0(BN("cef66d6b2a3a993e591214d1ea223fb545ca6c471c48306e4c36069404c5723f", 16),
                         BN("878662a229aaae906e123cdd9d3b4c10590ded29fe751eeeca34bbaa44af0773", 16),
    // p1 = g^100
    CurvePoint p1(BN("490a19531f168d5c3a5ae6100839bb2d1d920d78e6aeac3f7da81966c0f72170", 16),
                         BN("bbcd2f21db581bd5150313a57cfa2d9debe20d9f460117b588fcf9b0f4377794", 16),
    // p2 = g^1000
    CurvePoint p2(BN("b8fa1a4acbd900b788ff1f8524ccfff1dd2a3d6c917e4009af604fbd406db702", 16),
                         BN("9a5cc32d14fc837266844527481f7f06cb4fb34733b24ca92e861f72cc7cae37", 16),
    EXPECT_TRUE(p0 * 10 == p1);
    EXPECT_TRUE(p1 * 10 == p2);
    CurvePoint p3(CurveType::P256);
    p3 = p0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
        p3 += p0;
    EXPECT_TRUE(p3 == p1);
    CurvePoint p4(CurveType::P256);
    p4 += p1;
    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
        p4 += p1;
    EXPECT_TRUE(p4 == p2);

    // P5 - P1 * 9 = P1
    CurvePoint p5(CurveType::P256);
    p5 = p2;
    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
        p5 -= p1;
    EXPECT_TRUE(p5 == p1);
    // P6 - P0 * 99 = P0
    CurvePoint p6(CurveType::P256);
    p6 = p2;
    for(int i = 0; i < 99; i++){
        p6 -= p0;
    EXPECT_TRUE(p6 == p0);

    return 0;

A Non-interactive proof of correct paillier keypair generation

using safeheron::zkp::pail::PailProof;
using safeheron::pail::PailPubKey;
using safeheron::pail::PailPrivKey;
using safeheron::pail::CreatePailPubKey;

PailPubKey pail_pub;
PailPrivKey pail_priv;
CreateKeyPair2048(pail_priv, pail_pub);

const Curve * curv = GetCurveParam(CurveType::SECP256K1);
BN r = RandomBNLt(curv->n);
CurvePoint point = curv->g * r;
BN index = RandomBNLtGcd(curv->n);

PailProof proof;
proof.Prove(pail_priv, index, point.x(), point.y());
ASSERT_TRUE(proof.Verify(pail_pub, index, point.x(), point.y()));

Security Audit

Some sub-libs originate from an internal repository by Safeheron and were audited by Kudelski Security in December 2021.

We asked LeastAuthority to conduct an audit of our library in the second half of 2023, and this is the audit report which can be found in LeastAuthority website.

Development Process & Contact

This library is maintained by Safeheron. Contributions are highly welcomed! Besides GitHub issues and PRs, feel free to reach out by mail.