SafirSDK / safir-sdk-core

Safir SDK Core - For Truly Distributed Systems
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 3 forks source link

Welcome to Safir SDK Core

Safir SDK Core is a middleware and platform for creation of distributed soft real-time systems. It is Scalable, Reliable, Portable, and last but not least, it is Open!

Safir SDK Core is based on modern architectural principles and has a solid foundation in more than 25 years of development of distributed systems at Saab.


Safir SDK Core is available under GNU GPL v3 (GNU General Public License) - a copy of which can be found in COPYING.txt - or under a commercial license from Saab AB.

The GPL license means that you are free to try out or modify the software to your hearts content and create your own applications on top of it. But you are not allowed to distribute the modified software or your applications (which will classify as derivative works) without releasing your code under the GPL license too.

If you want to distribute proprietary binaries you need to obtain a commercial license from Saab AB (contact information can be found at

Portions of the source code has other licenses and other copyright holders. These are listed in the file build/packaging/debian/copyright.


The easiest way to install Safir SDK Core is to download one of the prebuilt packages from

Currently there are installation packages for Windows, Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 11. Upon request we will build for more Linux distributions/versions.


If you're interested in building Safir SDK Core from source yourself, please have a look in the BUILD.Windows.txt and BUILD.Linux.txt files.


Please see contact information at if you're having any trouble following any of the instructions, or with any other questions.