Sage-Bionetworks / SynapseWorkflowOrchestrator

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Synapse Workflow Orchestrator Build

Docker Automated Docker Build

Synapse Workflow Orchestrator

Links one or more Synapse Evaluation queues to a workflow engine. Each Evaluation queue is associated with a workflow template. Each submission is a workflow job, an instance of the workflow template. Upon submission to the Evaluation queue the Workflow Orchestrator initiates and tracks the workflow job, sending progress notifications and uploading log files.


Setting up Amazon linux environment

  1. Install docker sudo yum install docker
  2. Must start the docker service: sudo service docker start or you will get this error: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
  3. Allow for non-root user to manage docker:
  4. Log out and back into the instance to be able to do docker images as current user
  5. Install docker-compose

To use:

Create a project, submission queue, workflow template and dashboard

To run:

docker run --rm -it -e SYNAPSE_USERNAME=xxxxx -e SYNAPSE_PASSWORD=xxxxx \
-e WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_URL=http://xxxxxx -e ROOT_TEMPLATE=xxxxx sagebionetworks/synapseworkfloworchestrator /

where WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_URL is a link to a zip file and ROOT_TEMPLATE is a path within the zip where a workflow file can be found. To use a workflow in Dockstore:

docker run --rm -it -e SYNAPSE_USERNAME=xxxxx -e SYNAPSE_PASSWORD=xxxxx \
-e WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_URL={id}/versions/{version_id}/CWL \
-e ROOT_TEMPLATE=xxxxx sagebionetworks/synapseworkfloworchestrator /

Will print out created Project ID and the value for the EVALUATION_TEMPLATES in the following step.

Linking your workflow with evaluation queue manually

If you already have an existing project and do not want to follow the Create a project, submission queue, workflow template and dashboard instructions above, here are instructions on how to link your workflow with an Evaluation queue.

  1. Create an Evaluation queue in a Synapse Project and retrieve the Evaluation id. View instructions here to learn more. For this example, lets say the Evaluation id is 1234.
  2. Obtain the link of your github repo as a zipped file. (eg.
  3. Upload this URL into your project and set the annotation ROOT_TEMPLATE to be the path of your workflow. So for the example, the value would be SynapseWorkflowExample-master/workflow-entrypoint.cwl. For this example, lets say the Synapse id of this File is syn2345
  4. EVALUATION_TEMPLATES will be: {"1234":"syn2345"}

Start the workflow service

There are three ways to start the workflow service:

  1. Orchestrator with Docker containers
  2. Orchestrator with Workflow Execution Service (W.E.S.)
  3. Orchestrator with a Java executable .jar file + Docker

Running the Orchestrator with Docker containers

This method is convenient if your environment supports Docker and you are authorized to run Docker containers in it. Set the following as properties in a .env file to use with Docker Compose. Please carefully read through these properties and fill out the .envTemplate, but make sure you rename the template to .env.

To start the service use:

docker-compose --verbose up

Running the Orchestrator with Workflow Execution Service

Do you wish to run the workflow jobs themselves as Docker containers or by sending jobs as web requests to a Workflow Execution Service (W.E.S.)? This lets you leverage the features of a chosen W.E.S. implementation. The instructions in the previous sections should be modified as follows:

To start the service use:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-wes.yaml --verbose up

Running the Orchestrator as an Executable .jar file

Sometimes you are forced to be on infrastructure that doesn't allow Docker. To support this we have also provided the Orchestrator in the form of an executable .jar file. You can find the setup instructions below. You can download the jar files here

Running the container as an executable .jar file still allows you the choice of running the workflow jobs themselves as Docker containers or as submissions to a Workflow Excecution Service (W.E.S.) The example below includes environment settings for the latter. Please refer to the setting instructions above to see the full range of options.

sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk
sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
# Use screen to allow for continous running
screen -S orchestrator
# Export all the values you use in your .env file
# these values are explained above
export WES_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8082/ga4gh/wes/v1
export WES_SHARED_DIR_PROPERTY=/path/to/something
export SYNAPSE_USERNAME=xxxxxx
export SYNAPSE_PASSWORD=xxxxxx
# Remember to put quotes around the EVALUATION_TEMPLATES
export EVALUATION_TEMPLATES='{"111": "syn111"}'
export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=workflow_orchestrator

To start the service use:

java -jar  WorkflowOrchestrator-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Submit a job to the queue

Jobs can be submitted using the Synapse web portal. Below is a command-line convenience for submitting using a Dockerized tool.

docker run --rm -it -e SYNAPSE_USERNAME=xxxxx -e SYNAPSE_PASSWORD=xxxxx -e EVALUATION_ID=xxxxx \
-v /path/to/workflow/job:/workflowjob sagebionetworks/synapse-workflow-orchestrator:1.0  /

where EVALUATION_ID is one of the keys in the EVALUATION_TEMPLATES map returned from the set-up step

See results

In the Synapse web browser, visit the Project created in the first step. You will see a dashboard of submissions.

Tear down

Stop the service:

docker-compose down

Now, in Synapse, simply delete the root level project

Workflow creation guidelines

See this example for a working example of a Synapse-linked workflow. It includes reusable steps for downloading submissions and files, uploading files and annotating submissions. Some notes:

Other details

Uploading results

The workflow orchestrator uses this folder hierarchy for uploading results:





When SHARE_RESULTS_IMMEDIATELY is omitted or set to true then logs are uploaded into the unlocked folder. When SHARE_RESULTS_IMMEDIATELY is set to false then logs are uploaded into the locked folder. To share the log file (or anything else uploaded to the _LOCKED folder) with the submitter, a process separate from the workflow should move the item(s) to the unlocked folder, rather than by creating an ACL on the lowest level folder. Such a process can run under a separate Synapse account, if desired. If so, set DATA_UNLOCK_SYNAPSE_PRINCIPAL_ID to be the Synapse principal ID of the account used to run that process.

The workflow is passed the IDs of both the locked and unlocked submission folders so it can choose whether the submitter can see the results it uploads by choosing which folder to upload to.

Timing out

The workflow orchestrator checks each submission for an integer (long) annotation named orgSagebionetworksSynapseWorkflowOrchestratorTimeRemaining. If the value is present and not greater than zero then the submission will be stopped and a "timed out" notification sent. If the annotation is not present then no action will be taken. Through this mechanism a custom application can determine which submissions have exceeded their alloted time and stop them. Such an application is communicating with the workflow orchestrator via the submissions' annotations. This architecture allows each submission queue administrator to customize the time-out logic rather than having some particular algorithm hard-coded into the workflow orchestrator.

Decommissioning a Machine

If there is a need to decommission a machine while workflows are pending, then do the following:

Stop the service, e.g., if you started via Docker:

docker-compose down

Set the environment variable, ACCEPT_NEW_SUBMISSIONS to false. Now restart, if you started via Docker:

docker-compose up

or, if using Docker with W.E.S.:

docker-compose up -f docker-compose-wes.yaml

The currently running submissions will finish up but no new jobs will be started. When all running jobs have finished,

docker-compose down

The machine may now be decommissioned.