Sage-Bionetworks / stopadforms
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R build

stopadforms is an R package and Shiny application to allow reviewers to view and score submissions to the STOP-AD Compound Submission Portal.

The application is hosted at To use it, you must be a member of the STOP-AD_Reviewers Synapse team and be logged in to Synapse. To save reviews, you must be a Certified User on Synapse.


#install app from package

Calculating scores for a submission

Below is an example of how to calculate scores for a submission outside of the Shiny app (i.e. in an R script). This example uses sample data included in the package.


## Create a list with the form data id as the name, and the path to the included
## JSON file as the value
sample_sub <- list(
  "242" = system.file("extdata", "testdata.json", package = "stopadforms")

## Load the JSON data and convert to a data frame
dat <- process_submissions(sample_sub, lookup_table = lookup_table)

## Append clinical multiplier used in calculations
submission <- append_clinical_to_submission(dat)

## Load weighted scores. The contents of this file correspond to the output of
## the `pull_reviews_table()` function.
scores <- read.csv(
  system.file("extdata", "weighted_scores.csv", package = "stopadforms"),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

## Calculate overall score
calculate_submission_score(submission, scores)
#> [1] 0.2631988

See vignette("scoring", package = "stopadforms") for a detailed description of the scoring process and an example of how to score real submissions that are stored in Synapse.

Running the application locally


  1. You must be a member of the STOP-AD_Reviewers team in Synapse.

  2. Your local .synapseConfig file must be populated with a valid Synapse PAT that has both "download" and "update" permissions. If you use the Synapse UI to create your PAT, select the "Download" and "Modify" options.

Configuring the application to run locally

  1. Modify 'app.R' Set the localDevelopment variable to TRUE.

    localDevelopment = TRUE
  2. Modify config.yml Populate the testing profile's client_secret with the local client password, which is stored in lastpass as "stopadforms synapse client". You can create your own OAuth client following these instructions. Make sure to use as the URL if you are testing locally.

    client_id: 100167
    client_secret: ***stored in lastpass***
    client_name: "local"
    preserve_logs: TRUE
  3. Install R packages Install packages from renv.lock by issuing the following command:

  4. Create Python virtual environment & install required Python packages Run the following code (derived from mod-synapse-oauth.R) to create the required python3 virtual environment and install the required Python packages.

reticulate::virtualenv_create(envname = venv_folder, python = '/usr/bin/python3')
reticulate::virtualenv_install(venv_folder, packages = c('synapseclient[pandas]==4.0.0'))
reticulate::use_virtualenv(venv_folder, required = T)
  1. Additional steps for OSX If the app will not run locally after the above steps, try the additional steps described in this section.

5.1 Verify required environment variables are set Check to ensure that the required environment variables are set with the expected values:


If they are not, you can manually set them:

Sys.setenv("R_CONFIG_ACTIVE"= "testing")
Sys.setenv(app_url = "")  
Sys.setenv(client_secret='***stored in lastpass***')

5.2 Modify R/app-server.R' You may need to add an additional line of code toR/app-server.R' that forces the user-specific Synapse client to log in prior to checking whether it's logged in:

  ## Synapse client for a specific user
  syn <- synapse$Synapse()
  ## Oauth
  syn <- callModule(
    syn = syn

  # TODO don't forget to remove this local development hack!
  # log into synpase with the user-specific client before the logged_in(syn) check

    inherits(syn, "synapseclient.client.Synapse"),

Running the application

With the app.R file selected in R Studio, run the shiny app by clicking the "Run App" button in R Studio.

Be aware that scores entered while running the application locally will be persisted in Synapse!!!

Running the tests

To run the all the tests in the tests/testthat directory:


To run a specific test file from the tests/testthat directory:


Deploying via GitHub Actions



You can manually trigger a redeployment of an environment's current release using the workflow_dispatch event trigger via GitHub's UI on the appropriate branch.

Please note that the stopadforms project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.