SageAnalytic / Revalee

Scheduled web callbacks
MIT License
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net-mvc web-callback windows


Scheduled callbacks for your web applications

Workflow Diagram


Revalee can simplify your web application's workflow when events are required AFTER the normal handling of a web request. You can write all of your scheduled activities in the same toolset and application as the rest of your web code. No more command line utilities or custom batch jobs.

Here are some common ways to utilize the power of scheduled callbacks:

Getting Started

Revalee consists of a Windows service that stores and initiates the callbacks, plus a client API to schedule those callbacks. You will need to install both service and client to get started.

Windows Service

The Revalee service is available on Chocolatey. To perform a quick install, use:

cinst Revalee.Service

The Revalee service can also be downloaded here or built from the source code.

Client Library

The Revalee client library is available on NuGet. To include in a .NET 4.0+ project, use:

Install-Package Revalee.Client

Alternatively for ASP.NET MVC projects targeting .NET 4.5+, a specialized Revalee client library is also available on NuGet. To install:

Install-Package Revalee.Client.Mvc

Callbacks can also be scheduled from any platform without the use of a client library by using the REST API.

Usage Examples

Request a one-time web callback in 1 hour for id=123456

var callbackDelay = TimeSpan.FromHours(1.0);
var callbackUri = new Uri("http://localhost/Home/Callback?id=123456");

Guid callbackId = RevaleeRegistrar.ScheduleCallback(callbackDelay, callbackUri);

Request a recurring web callback every night at 3:30 AM

var manifest = RecurringTasks.RecurringTaskModule.GetManifest();
var callbackUri = new Uri("http://localhost/Recurring/Nightly");

manifest.AddDailyTask(3, 30, callbackUri);

Full API Reference

Supported Platforms

Client library

The ASP.NET MVC client library requires .NET Framework 4.5+ and Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 5+.

More information is available at the Revalee Project Site.