SaifAqqad / AHK_MicMute

Control your microphone using keyboard and mouse hotkeys.
The Unlicense
181 stars 14 forks source link
ahk autohotkey hotkey micmute microphone mute-unmute push-to-talk


Control your microphone using keyboard and mouse hotkeys.



A. Install using Scoop

# Add the extras bucket
scoop bucket add extras

# Install MicMute
scoop install micmute

You can update MicMute using scoop update micmute, your config file will be saved between updates.

B. Use standalone executable

You can download MicMute and use it standalone.

Note: The config file will be saved in the same directory as the executable.


The first time you launch MicMute, a configuration window will open
The first time you launch MicMute, a configuration window will open

  1. Select your microphone from the list.
  2. Choose the hotkey type (Toggle, Push-to-talk or seperate hotkeys).
  3. Select the hotkey options you want. see hotkey options.
  4. Click Record and press the key(s) combination for the hotkey, then click on Stop to save it.
  5. Go to the Feedback tab and select the feedback options you want. see feedback options.
  6. If you're setting up multiple profiles, you can link a profile to an app/game. see linked applications.
  7. If you want the microphone to be auto muted when you idle, setup AFK timeout.
  8. If you're setting up a PTT hotkey, you can change the delay between releasing the key and the audio cutting off by changing the PTT delay option.
  9. Click on the save button.


Hotkey options

Option Description
Passthrough Hotkey presses will passthrough to the system (They won't be exclusive to MicMute).
Wildcard Trigger the hotkey even if it's pressed with extra modifiers/keys.
Neutral modifiers MicMute won't differentiate between Left and Right modifiers (i.e Left/Right shift will both be Shift). This option should be set before recording the hotkey.
Hybrid PTT Turns a PTT hotkey into a Hybrid PTT/Toggle hotkey (Long press -> PTT, short press -> toggle).

Feedback options

1. Sound feedback

Play a sound when muting/unmuting the microphones.

2. On-screen feedback

Show an OSD when muting/unmuting the microphones.

3. On-screen overlay

Show the microphone's state in an always-on-top overlay.

Linked applications

Link a profile to an app/game, when the app becomes visible (not minimized or hidden), MicMute will automatically switch to that profile, when the app is minimized/hidden/closed, MicMute will switch back to the default profile.

Foreground only option (Enabled by default) can be disabled so background apps (minimized or hidden) can also trigger the profile switch. v1.2.8+

Volume Lock

Locks the microphone's volume to a specific value and prevents other apps from changing it. v1.2.8+

Microphone actions

Run programs and powershell scripts when muting/unmuting the microphone(s).

Screenshot ![Microphone actions](./screenshots/configwindow_6.png)

1. Program action:

Run any program (with optional arguments) when muting/unmuting the microphone(s).

You can also use the following variables in the arguments, which will be replaced with the actual values for the microphone:

Variable Description
${} The microphone's name (example: Headset Microphone).
When using All Microphones, this will only contain the word Microphones
${microphone.fullName} The microphone's full name, including the controller's name (example: Headset Microphone (Razer Barracuda X)).
When using All Microphones, this will contain the full name of every microphone seperated by ,
${microphone.state} The current state of the microphone (Muted or Online)
${microphone.isMuted} Whether the microphone is muted or not (true or false)
${microphone.hotkeyTriggered} Whether the hotkey was triggered or not (true or false).
if this is false, the microphone was muted/umuted externally (by windows or another app)

2. Powershell action:

Run a powershell script when muting/unmuting the microphone(s), This can be used for anything, for example, you could send an http request to turn on/off a connected light with Home Assistant or send a notification to your phone with ntfy.

You can use the same variables as the program action (and you can insert the 'Microphone Data' snippet in the editor to use them).

This action works by encoding the script using base64 (UTF-16LE) and then passing it to powershell using the -EncodedCommand parameter, this avoids the need to create a temp file to run the script and even avoids any issues related to escaping special characters.

3. Aura Sync action: v1.2.8+

Syncs the microphone's state with ASUS Aura Sync compatible devices.

Due to how slow the Aura Sync API is, this action requires a seperate MicMute process that controls the RGB by listening for messages from the main MicMute process, this ensures that the action does not affect the responsiveness of the hotkeys.

Global options

These options are shared between all profiles.

1. Mute on startup

Mute the microphone(s) when starting up or switching profiles.

2. Switching-profile OSD

Show an OSD with the profile's name when switching to it.

3. UI Theme

UI Theme can be set to System Theme, Dark or Light

This does not affect the tray icon color, which is always based on the system theme

4. Force microphone state

Prevent other apps from changing the microphone's state (i.e mute/unmute the microphone).

Note: This might break the unmute functionality in some apps, if this happens you'll need to unmute the microphone using MicMute before unmuting inside the app)

5. Voicemeeter integration

You can control Voicemeeter's inputs and outputs using MicMute, after turning on the option, refresh the microphones list and you should see voicemeeter's inputs (strips) and outputs (buses) in the microphone dropdown.

By default, MicMute will use the bus/strip's mute property, in the case of a strip, it can be set to any other property (A1, A3, B3, etc..) by changing the VMRStripProperty value in the config file.

Controlling multiple microphones

You can have multiple active hotkeys to control different microphones simultaneously. To do this, turn on the Multiple option then select another microphone from the list and setup hotkeys for it.

When using this feature, the following applies:

Alternatively, you can control all the microphones at once with the same hotkey by selecting All Microphones from the microphones list.

When using this feature, the following applies:

Known issues

Editing the config file

Hold Shift when clicking Edit configuration in the tray menu, and the config file will open in the default JSON editor

Accessing the logs

Hold Shift when clicking Help in the tray menu, and the logs window will open.

CLI arguments

Argument Description
/profile=<profile name> Startup with a specific profile.
/noUI Disable the configuration UI completely. This decreases memory usage by almost 60%.
/debug Add shortcuts to ListVars, ListHotkeys and View Log in the tray menu. Enables logging for Aura Sync action (v1.2.8+)
/logFile=<file_to_log_to> Outputs the log to a file (it's written to stdout by default )

Example: MicMute.exe "/profile=profile 1" /noUI /debug /logFile=MicMute.log

Compile instructions

Note: Run the following commands in powershell, not command prompt.

1. Install prerequisites

You'll need AutoHotkey (Ahk2Exe), git and ahkpm in your path.

You can install them using scoop:

  1. Install scoop

    # This allows running powershell scripts.
    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser;
    # This runs the scoop installer script.
    irm | iex
  2. Install prerequisites
    scoop install git;
    scoop bucket add extras;
    scoop install autohotkey ahkpm;

    2. Clone the repository

git clone;
cd .\AHK_MicMute\;

3. Install the dependencies

ahkpm install;

4. Download and extract BASS library

Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile ".\";
Expand-Archive ".\" -DestinationPath ".\base24\";
Copy-Item ".\base24\x64\bass.dll" -Destination ".\src\Lib\bass.dll";

5. Run the compiler

ahk2exe.exe /in ".\src\MicMute.ahk" /out ".\src\MicMute.exe";

Libraries and resources used

Library License
Material Design icons Apache 2.0
BASS audio library License
VA.ahk License
VMR.ahk License
mmikeww/AHKv2-Gdip License
Bulma CSS framework MIT
CodeMirror 5 MIT
G33kDude/cJson.ahk MIT
G33kDude/Neutron.ahk MIT
jscolor Color Picker GPL v3


This project would not exist without these people: