Sakrac / x65

6502 Macro Assembler in a single c++ file using the struse single file text parsing library. Supports most syntaxes.
MIT License
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6502 Macro Assembler in a single c++ file using the struse single file text parsing library. Supports most syntaxes. x65 was recently named Asm6502 but was renamed because Asm6502 is too generic, x65 has no particular meaning.


In order to minimize the documentation and make this page shorter I've moved the old documentation here.

The up to date documentation is here.

x65 can assemble 6502, 65C02 and 65816 source and build executables for c64, Apple II or just raw binary.

Noteworthy features:



x65.cpp requires struse.h which is a single file text parsing library that can be retrieved from


Download Binaries

Please note that releases have moved the Github releases


x65 is the assembler


x65macro.i is a 6502 include file that defines a number of standard macros that can assign values, move values, copy values and loop constructs, see x65.txt for details.


dump_x65 is a tool to inspect the contents of .x65 object files generated by x65 to track down linking issues


x65dsasm is a tool to disassemble assembled binary code for review, it will perform a basic analysis and assign labels where appropriate and treats unreferenced bytes as data rather than code. It can also export assemblable code from a binary.


This project would not be completed without the direct or indirect support of great people, some which I can currently remember:

Development Status

Looking for help testing various features of the assembler, I have a large number of tests that pass without fail but there are so many ways for assemblers to break. Primarily tested with personal archive of sources written for Kick assmebler, DASM, TASM, XASM, etc. and passing most of Apple II Prince of Persia and Pinball Construction set.



(older fixes)
