Sakshee1234 / TollManagementSystemBlockChain

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Toll Plaza Management System with Blockchain

Project Description:

Our toll plaza management system proposes the integration of React into the frontend interface to enhance user interaction and experience. Additionally, smart contracts written in Solidity will automate transaction management on the blockchain. By deploying these contracts onto the blockchain network, we ensure the integrity and security of toll fee collection processes. This combination of frontend enhancements and blockchain-based transaction management will provide stakeholders with a transparent, efficient, and secure toll plaza management system.

Tech Stack Used:

* React 

* Ethereum Blockchain (Truffle Suite)
* Solidity
* Ganache

Application features:

Steps to run the application:

  1. Clone the github repository and cd to the folder
  2. Open Ganache and keep it running in the Background.
  3. In the root directory run truffle migrate --reset.
  4. cd to the frontend folder and run npm install.
  5. Run npm start.

Project Demo Link