SaladLab / Unity3D.IncrementalCompiler

Unity3D Incremental C# Compiler using Roslyn
MIT License
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Consider adding checkboxes to configuration to selectively compile Assembly-Editor ? #32

Open FuzzkingCool opened 7 years ago

FuzzkingCool commented 7 years ago

This work you have done is great! I wonder if you'd consider adding a checkbox to the configuration so that it is possible to totally disable the Assembly-Editor recompilation?

This would essentially allow for long-running background threads from assembly dlls to not crash Unity, and would be an amazing feature for developing tools for unity.

Sorry if I am spamming your issues here.

FuzzkingCool commented 7 years ago

Oh, actually better would be the ability to exclude specific folders / files. I am looking at the code now to see if I could add this, but I still think this would be an excellent feature that you may want to add yourself.

SugoiDev commented 7 years ago

I would strongly discourage anyone from trying to workaround Unity's assembly reloading mechanisms. I've been there and it's sorrow all the way down.

But man, how I wish we had more control of how Unity reloads its stuff. I believe 50% of my time is wasted with Unity reloads and general slowness (compiling, entering/exiting playmode, etc). No matter how optimized, once a project gets large and has enough assets, it will be slower than it should be.

I wonder if there are engines out there with much faster iteration times out there, with tooling as nice as the dotNET ecosystem.

Owen-Dou commented 6 years ago

hey, i has an urgen problem that used incremental6 compiler but showing errors : Assets/Frameworks/EasyTouch/Plugins/FingerGestureImp/FingerRecognizer.cs(66,60): error CS0570: 'FingerDownDetector.OnFingerDown' is not supported by the language

Assets/Frameworks/EasyTouch/Plugins/FingerGestureImp/FingerRecognizer.cs(70,34): error CS0570: 'FingerMotionDetector.OnFingerStationary' is not supported by the language