SaladLab / Unity3D.IncrementalCompiler

Unity3D Incremental C# Compiler using Roslyn
MIT License
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Unity3D Incremental C# Compiler using Roslyn.

This project is at an early development stage. And still now it can support only windows platform.


Unzip a release zip file to your unity project top-most directory. (Unblocking zip file before decompressing zip file might be required to avoid TypeLoadException of Unity-Mono.)

A release zip has a plugin dll which should be put at Editor folder and a few compiler related files which should be put at Compiler folder. Following before and after screenshot will helps for understanding install location.


While an incremental compiler build your scripts, it saves log files to project/Temp directory. With these log files, you can see how it works.



You can configure how this compiler work by settings window. Click "Assets/Open C# Compiler Settings..." in UnityEditor.


Not only settings but you can also check detailed log and information.


Also you can manually modify a configure file which is located at project/Compiler/IncrementalCompiler.xml

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