Water temperature sensor test result on boiling water:
Water temperature sensor test result on melted ice water:
PH sensor (Pro SKU SEN0169):
All senser Test(Arduino):
@ DTH22_Potentiometer/DTH22_Potentiometer.ino
Connect your Carte Arduino to a carte Raspberry pi 3 B+ with a USB Cable.
Install Python 3.9 in Raspberry pi 3 B+.
Install Arduino in Raspberry pi 3 B+.
Install VSCode in Raspberry pi 3B+.
Create Python code to save DHT22 data in an excel file.
Every day (24H) save a new excel file.
import_csv.py(For send data to Excel and Firebase).
Create file Excel:
Send Data to Firebase:
Send Data to ile Excel and Firebases:
Realization of the voice assistant
To fully understand the ins and outs, it is important to understand the basics that make up a voice assistant. To do this, we divide this operation into 4 main steps:
The capture of the voice.
Converting voice to text.
Natural Language Understanding (NLU).
Text To Speech.
How the voice assistant works
Sensor test voice assistant(Dependencies)(lily.py):
Voice Commands:
What is your name?
What time is it?
What date for today?
What is the temperature value?
What is the humidity value?
What is the weather in?
What is the pH in?
Play music "YouTube"
Every day (24H) send rapport to Gmail(Data Aquaponics)(chartsmail.py).
Send Mail when the temperature is > a temperature normal (fans.py):