Salmela / distributed-chat

University group project
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University group project


Our application is p2p style. Each node has same role.

Communicate mechanism

We are using sockets. Most likely tcp protocol.

User interface

The program will use just command line.

Way of working

Let's create github issues for each task and open pr's that somebody else reviews and merges. Let's use poetry for package managent and virtual environment.

Testing locally

Start two peers. The project's docker-compose config will first fetch the base image for python and then build our image and finally start the conatiners.

docker-compose up -d

After the containers are running, startup our project in the containers manually. Startup the first node:

docker-compose exec peer1 bash

And on another terminal run:

docker-compose exec peer2 bash

The containers mount the project directory inside them so all the changes you do will be immediately available containers. You just need to restart the main python script file.

git cheatsheat

To add code to commit

git add -p