NineX Discord Theme
A Windows 95/98 style Discord theme.
Light mode |
Dark mode |
Click to expand
1. Download `NineX.theme.css`:
- [BetterDiscord store][release-bd]
- [GitHub][release-css-gh]
2. Place the file in the themes folder:
- `Settings` > `BetterDiscord` > `Themes` > `Open Themes Folder`
3. Toggle on the theme card.
Click to expand
#### Automatic
1. Click to install:
- [Replugged store][release-rp]
#### Manual
1. Download `net.saltssaumure.NineX.asar`:
- [GitHub][release-rp-gh]
2. Place the file in the themes folder:
- `Settings` > `Replugged` > `Themes` > `Open Themes Folder`
3. Click `Load Missing Themes` and toggle on the theme card.
Click to expand
#### Local
1. Download `NineX.theme.css`:
- [BetterDiscord store][release-bd]
- [GitHub][release-css-gh]
2. Place the file in the themes folder:
- `Settings` > `Vencord` > `Themes` > `Local Themes` > `Open Themes Folder`
3. Click `Load missing Themes` and toggle on the theme card.
#### Online
1. Paste the link in `Settings` > `Vencord` > `Themes` > `Online Themes`:
- ``
Description |
Variable name |
Valid values |
Default value |
Background image |
--w9x-background-image |
Any image link encased in url() . |
none |
Background colour |
--w9x-background-color |
Any colour. |
#008080 |
Start menu text |
--w9x-start-text |
Any text. |
"Windows95" |
Titlebar colour |
--w9x-titlebar-color |
Any colour. |
#000080 |
Warning colour |
--w9x-warning-color |
Any colour. |
#FF0000 |
Positive colour |
--w9x-positive-color |
Any colour. |
#008000 |
Highlight ring colour |
--w9x-highlight-color |
Any colour. |
#0000FF |
Box colour |
--w9x-box-color-1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 |
Any colour. |
#FFFFFF , #DFDFDF , #C0C0C0 , #808080 , #000000 |
Inner background colour |
--w9x-bg-color |
Any colour. |
#FFFFFF (light) / #000000 (dark) |
Inner text colour |
--w9x-text-color |
Any colour. |
#000000 (light) / #DFDFDF (dark) |
Click to expand
1. Open `Settings` > `BetterDiscord` > `Themes`.
2. Click the pencil icon on this theme.
3. Edit the variable values and save changes.
Click to expand
1. Enable `Automatically Apply Quick CSS` in `Settings` > `Replugged` > `General`.
1. Open `Settings` > `Replugged` > `Quick CSS`.
3. Copy and paste lines 15-41 of [`NineX.theme.css`][.theme.css].
3. Edit the variable values and save.
Click to expand
#### Local
2. `Open Themes Folder` in `Settings` > `Vencord` > `Themes` > `Local Themes`
3. Open `NineX.theme.css` with your favourite text editor.
4. Edit the variable values and save.
#### Online
1. `Enable Custom CSS` in `Settings` > `Vencord` > `Vencord` and click `Open QuickCSS File`.
2. Copy and paste lines 15-41 of [`NineX.theme.css`][.theme.css].
3. Edit the variable values.
Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Saltssaumure
This theme is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This theme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
Questions or suggestions?