Sam2much96 / Dystopia-App

A Frontend App for the Dystopia Project. An 8 Bit Action RPG for Godot 2,3 && 4 Ported & Maiintained For Mobile, PC, PSP and Other Platforms
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A Frontend App for the Dystopia Project. An 8 Bit Action RPG for Godot 2,3 && 4 Ported & Maiintained For Mobile, PC, PSP and Other Platforms



Changing the World? Sigh. A very lofty dream. It is a feat few men ever really achieve, it's an idea that infects men to hope, fight, kill and to die. It was for this dream we hoped, fought , killed, starved, bled and died for in a hellish war that lasted 5 years. After fighting for so long, in the end you lose sight of what you're really fighting for; and when you lose someone you love, all those lofty dreams you fought so valiantly for suddenly lose meaning. After all, what's the point of changing the world, when you have no one left to share it with.

What It Does

Its a web 3.0 multimedia app with Top down RPG action game, Comics and Animated Short films, built on Decentralized storage and telling the story of 3 protagonists. It's optimized && available for mobile and PC platforms.

Game Design Document

Documentation by INhumanity_arts


White Board

Trailer Video

Trailer video


(1) Auto Music shuffle: This shuffles a selected music playlist (dictionary). It is in the Music singleton and uses the shuffle( function)

(2)Global Singleto Architecture This is a shortcut for calling the comicbook scenes and global objects via singlietons for improved performance. use the change_scene_to(load(...INSERT ...)) to call it. check for other callable functions and variables in the globals singleton (3)Debug It calls debug funtions like Debug.start_debug(), Debug.stop_debug(), and passes its variables to the viewport

(4) Fonts, Music and Videos I added a couple of new Dynamic Fonts and Music funtions that can be called from the Music track node. A cinematic scene was added to handle all video playing functions. (Note: video player works best with .ogv video format)

(5) Ingame Menu: This is a reusable ingame menu i added to give access to all major scenes in the App

(6) Custom input maps: Added a couple of custom input maps to enable and disable the comics and game menu scenes

(7) Enemy kill count: This is a global variable that can be an indicator of player's progress

(8) X and Reddit Integrations

(9) Player and Enemy Effects

(10)Touch input maps for android (zoom button), updated Scroll function for comic book

Added multitouch gestures for android
-swipe to change panel
-Double tap to zoom

(11) Stream Animated Shorts and Music: Stream Dystopia Anime from the app & Youtube, and download game music using

(12) Interractive Environment

(13)FFmpeg Decoder Libraries from ' ' are used in the Anime streaming section. I rendered the video in 720p, the game's resolution.

(14) Translations: -Hindi -Arabic -French -Brazillian Portuguese -Yoruba NG -Japanese -Mandarin

(16) Touch input manager from to fix the comics section ux problem (17) Web 3.0 functionalities -Ingame Algorand Wallet (testnet) -NFT image parser -Transaction capabilities for assets and Tokens (Testnet) -Escrow SmartCOntract

(18) Download Images, Documents and Videos: Networking.downloadimage(image url, image save path): Downloads a png image from a url and saves it at a given path

(19) Multiplayer : Server/Client Multiplayer Architechture

-Features to Fix

-Fix up Game's spawnpoints (look at the Exit code in the Temple interior scene) 
-changing pages centers new page 
-Multitouch settings in control
-Better Combat System
-Guided view ( Controlled zoom )

-Features to Add

-Custom Button Mapping
-Guided view system
-NPC_2 Quests   
-Update Game instructionals visuals
-Colour changing joystick
-Sandbox mechanics
-Polygon 2d to deconstruct comic panels
-Reprogrammable joystick

-Sharable Puzzles

-3rd Party Integrations

-Web3 Storage
-Algorand Testnet

-Github -Hathora