Sam360 / SAMGoldToolkit

'Software Asset Management' PowerShell library to extract software licensing relevant information from enterprise software systems
MIT License
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SAM Gold Toolkit

'Software Asset Management' PowerShell library to extract software licensing relevant information from enterprise software systems

Software Asset Management (SAM) is a business practice that involves managing and optimizing the purchase, deployment, maintenance, utilization, and disposal of software applications within an organization

At Sam360 we believe that Software Asset Management should be simple, fast and effective and that by adopting a proactive stance to SAM, companies reduce costs, eliminate hidden risks and improve operational effectiveness.

This library contains simple PowerShell scripts that we use every day to gather software inventory, configuration and usage metrics. Each script has a similar simple interface and can be quickly used by non powershell experts.

Please feel free to contact us with a feature request, lodge a bug report, create a pull request or fork the whole repo!