Samagra-Development / odk-collect-extension

ODK Collect is an Android app for filling out forms. ODK Collect Extensions is a layer on top of ODK Collect to make it easier to integrate inside existing Android apps.
Apache License 2.0
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ODK Collect Extension


ODK Collect is an open source Android app that replaces paper forms used in survey-based data gathering. It supports a wide range of question and answer types, and is designed to work well without network connectivity.

You can read more about ODK Collect here.

ODK Collect Extension is a suite of tools built on top of ODK Collect that enable developers to seamlessly integrate ODK Collect into their own Android applications. With this module, developers can take advantage of all the powerful features of ODK Collect, while also customizing the app's functionality to meet their specific needs.

We have also built a bunch of additional features on top of ODK collect:





  1. Integration
    ODK Collect is a standalone Android app which can connect to a self hosted ODK Central instance. For developers with existing Android applications ODK Collect exposes content providers and intents to open forms and collect data. This requires user's of the apps to download 2 different apps to use ODK. ODK Collect Extension makes it extremely easy to integrate ODK Collect's application inside existing Android apps via a single gradle dependency.

  2. Customization
    Embedding ODK Collect in their own application allows organizations to customize the app's user interface and functionality to better suit their specific needs. They can also incorporate their own branding and design elements to maintain a consistent user experience across their entire suite of applications.

  3. Integration with other systems
    Organizations may need to integrate data collection with other systems or workflows, and embedding ODK Collect in their own application allows them to do this seamlessly. By embedding the app, data can be automatically transferred to other systems or databases, reducing the need for manual data entry and minimizing errors.

  4. User experience
    Embedding ODK Collect in an existing application can improve the user experience, as users don't have to switch between different apps to collect and manage data. This can result in increased productivity and efficiency.

  5. Access control and security
    Embedding ODK Collect in their own application allows organizations to enforce strict access controls and security measures to protect sensitive data. They can also store data on their own servers or in their own cloud storage, giving them more control over how data is managed and secured.

  6. Workflow management
    By embedding ODK Collect in their own application, organizations can more easily manage and track data collection workflows. They can assign tasks to specific users or teams, monitor progress, and generate reports and analytics.


We closely follow the stable releases of ODK Collect and build extensions on top of them.

Git Versioning

collect-stable-release: This branch tracks the stable releases of the original getodk/collect repository. This branch is updated only when a new stable release is made available in the original repository. No active development is done in this branch.

develop: This branch is used for active development. All feature branches are merged into this branch, and it is updated regularly. This branch is intended to be used for experimental and ongoing development work.

feature/$FEATURE_NAME: These branches are used for active development work, with each branch focusing on a specific feature or functionality. They are created from the develop branch, and when work is completed, they are merged back into develop.

main: This branch is used to build releases derived from the develop branch. All completed work in the develop branch is merged 33into this branch for release. This branch is intended to be used for stable and production-ready releases.


We follow the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 guidelines for versioning the ODK Collect Extension library.



The OdkInteractor interface is a key component of the ODK Interactor Module, which provides developers with methods for setting up, configuring, and resetting ODK, as well as opening a form. Using a JSON string, developers can configure ODK by pulling configuration information from a JSON file. The open form functionality not only ensures that the form exists on the device, but also checks for the required XML file and media files. If these files are not present on the device, the module will automatically download them from the server. Refer to the technical documentation here.


The FormsDatabaseInteractor interface provides a set of methods to interact with the local forms database. The interface includes methods for fetching a list of all locally available forms, getting a list of forms by formId, retrieving the latest version of a form by formId, and deleting forms from the database based on various criteria. Additionally, the interface provides methods for adding new forms to the database. By providing these functionalities, the FormsDatabaseInteractor interface helps to simplify the management of local forms on the device and make it easier for developers to incorporate forms functionality into their applications. Refer to the technical documentation here.


The FormsNetworkInteractor interface provides a set of methods to interact with the server to download and manage forms. It is responsible for carrying out all network-related tasks, including checking for new forms available for download, downloading individual forms or a list of forms, checking if there is a new forms zip available for download, and downloading the latest version of a form based on its form ID. Developers can use this interface to manage forms on the server and ensure that their users have the latest version of the forms available. Refer to the technical documentation here.


The FormsInteractor interface provides methods for interacting with ODK forms. It allows users to open the latest version of a form based on its ID or MD5 hash, as well as prefill form values given specific tags and their corresponding values. The FormsInteractor interface is designed to provide an easy and convenient way to manage ODK forms and their data. Refer to the technical documentation here.


FormInstanceInteractor is an interface that provides methods to interact with ODK Collect form instances. The interface provides methods to retrieve, delete, and open form instances, as well as retrieve instances by their path, status, and form ID. Refer to the technical documentation here.

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