SamanthaGuillemette / SOEN390

SOEN390 Project
MIT License
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COVID-19 Tracking App

This project is a part of SOEN 390 - Software Engineering Team Design Project - at Concordia University. The project aims to build a system that could facilitate the tracking of COVID-19 patients' status in Canada. In addition, the system also allow healthcare professionals to give advice to patients regarding the status of their symptoms.

Running Current Version

frame (2)

Sprint 1

Sprint 1 Report

  1. User Stories Backlog (USB)

  2. Release Plan (Sprint 2 planning)

  3. Software Architecture Document (SAD) (See Sprint 1 Report)

  4. Risk Assessment & Risk Management Plan (RMP) (See Sprint 1 Report)

  5. UI prototypes for Sprint 1 user stories

  6. UI prototypes for Sprint 2 user stories

  7. Testing Plan (See Sprint 1 Report)

  8. Running prototype

  9. Short sprint retrospective

Sprint 2

Sprint 2 Report

  1. User Stories Backlog (USB)

  2. Release Plan (Sprint 3 planning)

  3. Software Architecture Document (SAD) (See Sprint 2 Report)

  4. Risk Assessment & Risk Management Plan (RMP) (See Sprint 2 Report)

  5. UI prototypes for Sprint 3 user stories

  6. Testing Plan (See Sprint 2 Report)

  7. Running prototype

  8. Short sprint retrospective

Sprint 3

Sprint 3 Report

  1. User Stories Backlog (USB

  2. Release Plan (Sprint 4 planning)

  3. Software Architecture Document (SAD) (See Sprint 3 Report)

  4. Risk Assessment & Risk Management Plan (RMP) (See Sprint 3 Report)

  5. UI prototypes for Sprint 4 user stories (See Sprint 3 Report)

  6. Testing Plan (See Sprint 3 Report)

  7. Running Admin portal prototype

  8. Running Client portal prototype

  9. Short sprint retrospective (See Sprint 3 Report)

Sprint 4

Sprint 4 Report

  1. User Stories Backlog (USB)

  2. Release Plan (Sprint 4 planning)

  3. Software Architecture Document (SAD) (See Sprint 4 Report)

  4. Risk Assessment & Risk Management Plan (RMP) (See Sprint 4 Report)

  5. UI prototypes for Sprint 5 user stories (See Sprint 4 Report)

  6. Testing Plan (See Sprint 4 Report)

  7. Running Admin portal prototype

  8. Running Client portal prototype

  9. Short sprint retrospective (See Sprint 4 Report)

Team 14 - members:

Name Student ID GitHub Page
Mohammad Ali Zahir 40077619 AliZ786
Saleha Tariq 40006997 salehatrq
Laila Alhalabi 40106558 lailaalhalabi
Samantha Guillemette 26609198 SamanthaGuillemette
Hoda Nourbakhsh 40066450 hodansh
Tushar Raval 40124664 Tushar Raval
Quang Tran 27740654 QuangTran304
Marwa Khalid 40155098 MarwaKhalid
Steven Markandu 23740137 smarkandu

Libaries / Technologies we planned to use:

  1. Material UI - React component library
  2. Semantic UI - CSS library
  3. Redux - State management library
  4. Firebase - Our backend

Software Testing

  1. Jest - Unit testing framework.
  2. Cypress - End to end testing framework.
  3. Travis CI - Continuous integration & deployment service.
    It runs tests automatically on every push to the repository.

Project Wiki: