Samasaur1 / CityManagement

A text-based city management game
3 stars 7 forks source link

CityManagement Build Status

A text-based city management game. This will be as complicated as I can make it, so I'd welcome your help.

Branch Build Status
master Build Status
development Build Status

See the contributing guidelines for how to help out.



  1. Work on the development branch
  2. When enough has happened for a version bump and the code is stable, open a pull request to master
  3. Note all changes since the last version
  4. Run ./gradlew update and choose the appropriate option to bump the version number
  5. Review the new code and make any necessary changes
  6. If the CI builds pass, merge the PR
  7. Run git rebase development master (or, if on development, simply git rebase master)
  8. Continue working on the development branch
  1. Urgent issues (generally ones that crash the game)
  2. Harmful unexpected behavior (when the game isn't crashing, but there is a "game-breaking" exploit such as this one)
  3. Other unexpected behavior
  4. New features
  5. Enhancements
