Samfundet / Samfundet4

The new website for Samfundet
MIT License
10 stars 1 forks source link
django django-rest-framework guardian python python3 react reactjs student-project web web-application website




We have a script that handles all installation for you. To run the script, a Github Personal Access Token (PAT) is required. You can make one here Tick scopes repo, read:org and admin:public_key), then store the token somewhere safe (Github will never show it again).

Copy these commands (press button on the right-hand side of the block) and run from the directory you would clone the project.

# Interactive
read -s -p "Github PAT token: " TOKEN ; X_INTERACTIVE=y /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://${,})" && . ~/.bash_profile && cd Samfundet4; unset TOKEN; unset X_INTERACTIVE;
Non-interactive (show/hide) ```sh # Non-interactive read -s -p "Github PAT token: " TOKEN ; X_INTERACTIVE=n /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://${,})" && . ~/.bash_profile && cd Samfundet4; unset TOKEN; unset X_INTERACTIVE; ```
Flags explained (show/hide) > - X_INTERACTIVE (y/n): determines how many prompts you receive before performing an action. > curl: > - -f: fail fast > - -s: silent, no progress-meter > - -S: show error on fail > - -L: follow redirect