Samfundet / fg

[WIP] Fotogjengen 3.0
2 stars 2 forks source link
angular django docker docker-compose nginx postgresql

Build Status Master

Build Status Development

Setup for Windows users

  1. See steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 below
  2. Run ´docker-compose up -d --build` (´-d´ is for detached mode, sometimes you want to see logs and can remove this)
  3. To seed the dev database with fake data run:
    docker exec -u=postgres postgres sh /scripts/
    docker exec django bash

    As defined in

  4. What's that? You would like to write frontend code and see live changes without reloading the docker container? Ok, fine. Go to src/angular_frontend and type npm start in your terminal. (you need node and run npm i once in the same folder)

Setup for normies (REEEEEEE)

  1. Get docker.
  2. Get docker-compose.
  3. Confirm that docker is installed (type 'docker -v' and 'docker-compose -v'), docker should be >=18 and docker-compose >=1.22
  4. Clone the project, cd into the project directory.
  5. Run bash

If everything worked you should be able to see the angular application at localhost and/or


The database is seeded using migrations defined in ./src/django_backend/fg/api/ Simply bring the docker containers up and run

New architecture (TODO)

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