In working for another NPM project I needed to populate a redis instance with a bunch of random data. I found the redis pipe
command wasn't working so well so I made this script to facilitate the process.
Generator.js - quickly add random data to a redis instance.
Basic Usage:
node generator.js <type> <qty> [<key_prefix>]
This will enter <qty>
of <type>
entries into the redis instance
running at the server and port address set in the config.json
node generator.js hash 100 session
100) "session:ffab3b35-09c3-4fd7-9af1-4d323534065e"
This (config.json) file is automatically generated on running npm install redis-random-data-generator and will default to change the settings to suit your setup. If the file gets deleted the local default setting will be used.
There is no provision yet for an array of <types>
so if you
require various entries you will need to run the command several
Run npm test to perform tests on the script.
The script uses generated uuids for keys and random lorum ipsum
for values.
Dependancy Graph for generator.js
├─┬ lorem-ipsum@1.0.3
│ └─┬ optimist@0.3.7
│ └── wordwrap@0.0.3
├─┬ redis-stream@0.1.0
│ └─┬ event-stream@2.1.9
│ ├── from@0.1.3
│ ├── optimist@0.2.8
│ └── through@0.0.4
└── uuid@3.0.1
Types (others may be added in future versions i.e. geohash):
'string' uses SET to add a redis string value
'list' uses LPUSH to add a random number of values to a list
'set' uses SADD to add a random number of values to a set
'sorted' uses ZADD to add a random number of values and scores
to a sorted set.
'hash' uses HMSET to add a random number of values to a hash