Sammy1Am / MoppyClassic

Moppy has been replaced with Moppy 2.0!
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Midi files and hardware #3

Closed mykolas5b closed 12 years ago

mykolas5b commented 12 years ago

I've been trying to make my old floppy drive play some music, but being a complete dunce at these kind of things, i need some clarification. I only have one floppy drive, so I should connect the 2nd pin to STEP pin, 3rd pin to DIRECTION pin and then ground? This would play a midi file with 1 channel? Or am i messing something up? So far the floppy drive doesn't respond to any track i play.

Sammy1Am commented 12 years ago

Sounds like you're close.

Let me know if that helps you out. If you're still having issues, make sure the LED on the drive is on (it needs to be one before the drive will "listen" for commands from the Arduino.

mykolas5b commented 12 years ago

Thanks, it does work now,although very sloppy, most tracks start out nice and then stop and resume skipping parts of the tune, is this caused by notes being too high or low? I've tried tetris, kirbys, imperial march and super mario themes and in all of them the floppy skips parts.

Sammy1Am commented 12 years ago

That's a possibility. The sample MIDIs that are in the source code SHOULD work fine, though keep in mind that those were written for either 4 or 8 floppy drives, so if you only have one drive hooked up, you'll only be getting channel 1 of the MIDI file (which might only contain some parts).

Glad it's working for you (sorta), though!