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This project has been replaced with Moppy 2.0 and will not see any updates in the future. Moppy 2.0 implements nearly all the features that this version had, and adds many additional features, so there's no reason not to head on over there to check it out. This repo will be preserved for historical purposes and just incase someone needs something that this older version offers.
The original Moppy was good at doing its thing, but not very suitable for modifications and features added by the community (at least without making the initial setup experience more complicated for everyone). Moppy 2.0 has been redesigned with the goal of keeping the out-of-the-box experience and easy as possible while allowing for advanced users to build and contribute new features and support new devices (like scanners, stepper motors, and relays!).
Moppy 2.0 was built from the ground up, so any new "branch" would have started its life by having all its contents deleted and no future merge would ever be possible.
You can still checkout the last-available version of this repository, but there will be no future development or bug fixes.
This version attempts to improve upon the original Moppy by adding additional functionality including:
This document is meant to be a sort of quick-start guide. You can find an FAQ and troubleshooting guide on the Wiki.
The Arduino code requires the TimerOne library available here: http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/Timer1
The latest build is using NRJavaSerial, which should include suitable native drives for most systems. If you've previously run an older version of Moppy, you'll need to make sure that the RXTX jar file(s) are not being loaded (i.e. not on the classpath, &c.), since the two libraries will conflict if both present.
Upload the included Arduino code to the Arduino of your choice (requires Arduino IDE), and open up the included Java code in your favorite IDE. This code includes a NetBeans project for your convenience, so you should be able to open the project directly in NetBeans.
I built Moppy using an Arduino Uno, though it should work just fine on most Arduinos. The pins are connected in pairs to floppy drives as follows: Even pins (2,4,6...) are connected to each drive's STEP pin, the matching odd pins (3,5,7...) are connected to the each drive's DIRECTION control pin. So the first floppy would be connected to pin 2 & 3, the second floppy to 4 & 5, and so on.
Some pinout information can be found here: http://pinouts.ru/Storage/InternalDisk_pinout.shtml
Make sure you ground the correct drive-select pin, or the drive won't respond to any input (just connect the drive-select pin on the floppy to the pin directly below it). You can tell when you have the right drive selected, because the light on the front of the drive will come on.
Also, it's VERY IMPORTANT that your Arduino is grounded with the drives, or the drives will not register the pulses correctly. To do this, make sure that the GND pin on the Arduino is connected to the odd-numbered pin below the STEP pin on the floppy (i.e. if the STEP pin is 20, connect the Audnio's GND pin to Floppy-pin 19). You might need to do this for the DIRECTION pin as well (I did it for both, but I don't know if it's required).
Cross your fingers, and enjoy!