Samsung / grunt-cordova-sectv

Grunt task for build and package the cordova project with `sectv-OOO` platforms.
Apache License 2.0
18 stars 22 forks source link

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Grunt task for prepare and build the cordova project with sectv-*** platforms.

About this project

This project would help who makes Samsung Tizen TV or Legacy Samsung Smart TV web application using cordova. It provides several grunt task:

Associated Projects


$ npm install grunt-cordova-sectv

How to set up to use

  1. Make a cordova project using cordova CLI.

     |- cordova-js
     |- cordova-plugin-toast
     |- cordova-sectv-orsay
     |- cordova-sectv-tizen
     |- cordova-tv-webos
     `- MyApplication
  2. Copy the contents in sample/* of this project to the root directory of your cordova project.

  3. In the cordova project's root:

    $ npm install

    grunt-cordova-sectv will be installed also since the sample/pacakge.json defines it as a dependency.

Supported platform

How to prepare the application by platforms

How to add other elements to a particular platform

How to build and package the application by platforms

Known Issues

Not yet
