SamsungSAILMontreal / ghn3

Code for "Can We Scale Transformers to Predict Parameters of Diverse ImageNet Models?" [ICML 2023]
MIT License
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computational-graphs deep-learning graphs hypernetworks imagenet large-scale pytorch transformers

Can We Scale Transformers to Predict Parameters of Diverse ImageNet Models?

ICML 2023 link to the poster, slides and video presentation, tweet

Boris Knyazev, Doha Hwang, Simon Lacoste-Julien




This work extends the previous work Parameter Prediction for Unseen Deep Architectures that introduced improved Graph HyperNetworks (GHN-2). Here, we scale up GHN-2 and release our best performing model GHN-3-XL/m16 as well as smaller variants. Our GHN-3 can be used as a good initialization for many large ImageNet models.

Below are a few figures showcasing our results (see our paper for details).

Our code has only a few dependencies and is easy to use as shown below with PyTorch examples.

Please feel free to open a GitHub issue to ask questions or report bugs. Pull requests are also welcome.


# If you didn't install ppuda before:
pip install git+

# If you had ppuda installed before, you need to reinstall it, because it was updated recently:
pip install git+ --no-deps --upgrade --force-reinstall

pip install torch>=1.12.1 torchvision>=0.13.1  # [optional] update torch in case it's old

pip install huggingface_hub joblib # to load pretrained GHNs

pip install timm  # [optional] to use fancy optimizers like LAMB


For training and evaluation on ImageNet, one needs to setup ImageNet as in scripts/

Training and evaluation on CIFAR-10 is now also supported, however, it was not presented in the paper.


import torchvision
from ghn3 import from_pretrained

ghn = from_pretrained()  # default is '', other variants are: '', '', ''

model = torchvision.models.resnet50()  # can be any torchvision model
model = ghn(model)

# That's it, the ResNet-50 is initialized with our GHN-3.

GHN-3 is stored in HuggingFace at As the largest model ( takes about 2.5GB, it takes a while to download the model during the first call of ghn = from_pretrained().

See for the examples of fine-tuning the model or GHN. Also see ghn_all_pytorch.ipynb where we show how to predict parameters for all PyTorch models.


These scripts allow for training and evaluation of PyTorch models and GHN-3 and comparing to the baselines as in our paper. Training will be automatically run using DistributedDataParallel on all GPUs available if the script is run using torchrun. See command examples in and


This code is licensed under MIT license and is based on that is also licensed under MIT license.


  title={Can We Scale Transformers to Predict Parameters of Diverse ImageNet Models?},
  author={Knyazev, Boris and Hwang, Doha and Lacoste-Julien, Simon},
  booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},