Unet from based on and Inception like architecture
A network with traditional UNET replaced with Inception like blocks with dilations
Trained using
- Generated images, which have 4 quarters from different images
- The 4 quarters have slight rotation
- All images have 2 channels which give the coordinates in x and y for image
- Augmentation with random flips, random brightness contrast, hue shifts and inversions
Mean IOUs
Body Text |
Heading |
Floating Text |
Caption |
Header & Footer |
Table |
Graphic |
Total |
93.68 |
62.681 |
55.079 |
69.939 |
90.558 |
73.350 |
68.598 |
74.215 |
- a good increase of about 10 iou from previous train
- drop caps are now treated as part of text. earlier they used to be classified as image
- shadows are now not recognized as image
- better performance with non white pages
body text - yellow
heading - pink
floating - purple
caption - green
header&footer - red
table - dark_blue
graphic - light blue
You can see all the validation set images in the Results folder