SamuraiAku / SPDX.jl

Provides for the creation, reading and writing of SPDX files in multiple file formats. Written in pure Julia.
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Add support for Sub-paths in a Package Download Location #33

Closed SamuraiAku closed 1 year ago

SamuraiAku commented 1 year ago

Sometimes a package is not at the top level of a repository but is in fact in a sub-directory.

This is true within the dependencies of SPDX. This package uses TimeZones.jl which uses RecipesBase.jl, which is located within a sub-directory of Plots.jl. It is released in the General Registry as a package separate from Plots.

RecipesBase.jl release example

The the SPDX specification, the sub-directory is specified as follows:

+://[/][@]**[#]** In the case of RecipesBase.jl it would be: git+
SamuraiAku commented 1 year ago

Correction, the Sub-Path field already exists in SpdxDownloadLocationV2