SamuraiAku / SPDX.jl

Provides for the creation, reading and writing of SPDX files in multiple file formats. Written in pure Julia.
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This package provides for the creation, reading and writing of SPDX files in multiple file formats. Written in pure Julia.

Software Package Data eXchange (SPDX) is an open standard for communicating software bill of material information, including provenance, license, security, and other related information. SPDX reduces redundant work by providing common formats for organizations and communities to share important data, thereby streamlining and improving compliance, security, and dependability. The SPDX specification is recognized as the international open standard for security, license compliance, and other software supply chain artifacts as ISO/IEC 5962:2021.

Supports version 2.3 of the SPDX spec.

Please read the SPDX specification (link) for full details.


Type ] add SPDX and then hit ⏎ Return at the REPL. You should see pkg> add SPDX.

SPDX Document Read/Write

using SPDX

# Read from JSON: file extension used to determine file type
# Returned type is SpdxDocumentV2
jsonDoc= readspdx("./SPDXJSONExample-v2.2.spdx.json")
jsonDoc= readspdx(io; format= "JSON") # Read from IOBuffer()

# Read from TagValue
tvDoc= readspdx("./SPDXTagExample-v2.2.spdx")
tvDoc= readspdx(io; format= "TagValue") # Read from IOBuffer()

# Write SPDX document in TagValue format
writespdx(jsonDoc, "jsonread.spdx")
writespdx(io, jsonDoc; format= "TagValue")  # Write to IOBuffer()

# Write SPDX document in JSON format
writespdx(tvDoc, "tagvalueread.spdx.json")
writespdx(io, tvDoc; format= "JSON")  # Write to IOBuffer()

Creating and populating/modifying a new SPDX document

# Creating an empty Document
myDoc= SpdxDocumentV2()
# Properties Version, DataLicense, and SPDXID have fixed values that are set at creation time

In a new document, most properties are set to missing or an empty vector. The document creator then creates other objects (strings, boolean, other SPDX data types) and populates the document properties.

myDoc.Name= "foo"
push!(myDoc.Packages, Pkg1)

Details of the SPDX objects are documented below.

As a convienence to the user, some complex document properties can be set with helper functions

# Create a new document namespace [Clause 6.5]
createnamespace!(myDoc, "") # Function adds the UUID creating a namespace that conforms to SPDX best practices

updatenamespace!(myDoc) # Updates only the UUID portion of the namespace

setcreationtime!(myDoc) # Sets document creation time to the local time, taking the local timezone into account

# Compute a verification code of a package directory [Clause 7.9]
# Returns object of type SpdxPkgVerificationCodeV2
#       Files that are excluded by name are included in the ExcludedFiles property  
#       Symbolic links are automatically excluded from the computation and included in the ExcludedFiles property, unless the links are inside an excluded directory or pattern
#       Directories and excluded patterns (not shown in example below) are NOT included in the ExcludedFiles property. The reasoning being that these are temporary/version control locations that are not part of the released package.
# Example Call:  Compute a verification code that ignores a specific file and a .git directory at the root level.  A common usage pattern.
verif_code= ComputePackageVerificationCode("/path/to/pkgdir", ["IgnoreThisFile.spdx.json"], [".git"]) # 
# Example Return:
#   e0b4c73534bc495ebf43effa633b424d52899183  (excludes: IgnoreThisFile.spdx.json link_to_file)
# Logging:
#   If LoggingLevel is set to -100 or lower, then a full file listing will be logged along with the hash of each file for user review. See the documention of Julia standard logging facilities for details.

# Compute the checksum of a package tarball [Clause 7.10]
# Returns object of type SpdxChecksumV2
# Supported checksum algorithms are:
#   ["SHA1", "SHA224", "SHA256", "SHA384", "SHA512", "SHA3-256", "SHA3-384", "SHA3-512"]
file_cksum= ComputeFileChecksum(("SHA256", "/path/to/package.tar.gz")
# Example Return:
#   SHA256: 4b1dfe7b8886825527a362ee37244a665a32f68d9e7ca53c521dfec9ae8cd41a

SPDX Document Structure

The document object contains many properties. Each property corresponds to a clause of the SPDX specification. Some properties contain a single object of particular data type while others contain a vector of that type. This section will list each property along with its data type (Name::Type) and a reference to the relevant clause of the SPDX specification.

Please see the SPDX specification for further description of the property content and purpose.

Document::SpdxDocumentV2 [Clause 6]
    Version::String [Clause 6.1]
    DataLicense::SpdxSimpleLicenseExpressionV2 [Clause 6.2]
    SPDXID::String [Clause 6.3]
    Name::String [Clause 6.4]
    Namespace::SpdxNamespaceV2 [Clause 6.5]
    ExternalDocReferences::Vector{SpdxDocumentExternalReferenceV2} [Clause 6.6]
    CreationInfo::SpdxCreationInfoV2 [Clauses 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10]
    DocumentComment::String [Clause 6.11]
    Packages::Vector{SpdxPackageV2} [Clause 7]
    Files::Vector{SpdxFileV2} [Clause 8]
    Snippets::Vector{SpdxSnippetV2} [Clause 9]
    LicenseInfo::Vector{SpdxLicenseInfoV2} [Clause 10]
    Relationships::Vector{SpdxRelationshipV2} [Clause 11]
    Annotations::Vector{SpdxAnnotationV2} [Clause 12]

SPDX Package Structure

Please see the SPDX specification for further description of the property content and purpose.

# Creating a new Package
SPDXID= "SPDXRef-idstring" # Replace "idstring" with a unique identifier for the package.
myPkg= SpdxPackageV2(SPDXID)
Package::SpdxPackageV2 [Clause 7]
    Name::String [Clause 7.1]
    SPDXID::String [Clause 7.2]
    Version::String [Clause 7.3]
    FileName::String [Clause 7.4]
    Supplier::SpdxCreatorV2 [Clause 7.5]
    Originator::SpdxCreatorV2 [Clause 7.6]
    DownloadLocation::SpdxDownloadLocationV2 [Clause 7.7]
    FilesAnalyzed::Bool [Clause 7.8]
    VerificationCode::SpdxPkgVerificationCodeV2 [Clause 7.9]
    Checksums::Vector{SpdxChecksumV2} [Clause 7.10]
    HomePage::String [Clause 7.11]
    SourceInfo::String [Clause 7.12]
    LicenseConcluded::Union{SpdxSimpleLicenseExpressionV2, SpdxComplexLicenseExpressionV2} [Clause 7.13]
    LicenseInfoFromFiles::Vector{Union{SpdxSimpleLicenseExpressionV2, SpdxComplexLicenseExpressionV2}} [Clause 7.14]
    LicenseDeclared::Union{SpdxSimpleLicenseExpressionV2, SpdxComplexLicenseExpressionV2} [Clause 7.15]
    LicenseComments::String [Clause 7.16]
    Copyright::String [Clause 7.17]
    Summary::String [Clause 7.18]
    DetailedDescription::String [Clause 7.19]
    Comment::String [Clause 7.20]
    ExternalReferences::Vector{SpdxPackageExternalReferenceV2} [Clauses 7.21, 7.22]
    Attributions::Vector{String} [Clause 7.23]
    PrimaryPurpose::SpdxPkgPurposeV2 [Clause 7.24]
    ReleaseDate::SpdxTimeV2 [Clause 7.25]
    BuiltDate::SpdxTimeV2 [Clause 7.26]
    ValidUntilDate::SpdxTimeV2 [Clause 7.27]
    Annotations::Vector{SpdxAnnotationV2} [Clause 12]

SPDX File Object Structure

Please see the SPDX specification for further description of the property content and purpose.

Clauses 8.9, 8.10, 8.11, and 8.16 are deprecated and not implemented in this object.

# Creating a new File object
FilePath= "./src/module1/foo.c" # The path to the file of interest relative to the root of the package.
SPDXID= "SPDXRef-idstring" # Replace "idstring" with a unique identifier for the file.
pkgFile= SpdxFileV2(FilePath, SPDXID)
File::SpdxFileV2 [Clause 8]
    Name::String [Clause 8.1]
    SPDXID::String [Clause 8.2]
    Type::Vector{SpdxFileTypeV2} [Clause 8.3]
    Checksum::Vector{SpdxChecksumV2} [Clause 8.4]
    LicenseConcluded::Union{SpdxSimpleLicenseExpressionV2, SpdxComplexLicenseExpressionV2} [Clause 8.5]
    LicensesInFile::Vector{Union{SpdxSimpleLicenseExpressionV2, SpdxComplexLicenseExpressionV2}} [Clause 8.6]
    LicenseComments::String [Clause 8.7]
    Copyright::String [Clause 8.8]
    FileComments::String [Clause 8.12]
    Notice::String [Clause 8.13]
    Contributors::Vector{String} [Clause 8.14]
    Attributions::Vector{String} [Clause 8.15]
    Annotations::Vector{SpdxAnnotationV2} [Clause 12]

SPDX Snippet Structure

Please see the SPDX specification for further description of the property content and purpose.

# Creating a new Snippet
SPDXID= "SPDXRef-idstring" # Replace "idstring" with a unique identifier for the snippet.
FileSPDXID= "SPDXRef-File1" # The SPDXID of the file object that contains this snippet.
pkgSnippet= SpdxSnippetV2("SPDXRef-idstring", FileSPDXID)
Snippet::SpdxSnippetV2 [Clause 9]
    SPDXID::String [Clause 9.1]
    FileSPDXID::String [Clause 9.2]
    SnippetRange::Vector{SpdxSnippetRangeV2} [Clause 9.3, 9.4]
    LicenseConcluded::Union{SpdxSimpleLicenseExpressionV2, SpdxComplexLicenseExpressionV2} [Clause 9.5]
    LicenseInfo::Vector{Union{SpdxSimpleLicenseExpressionV2, SpdxComplexLicenseExpressionV2}} [Clause 9.6]
    LicenseComments::String [Clause 9.7]
    Copyright::String [Clause 9.8]
    SnippetComments::String [Clause 9.9]
    Name::String [Clause 9.10]
    Attributions::Vector{String} [Clause 9.11]

SPDX Other License Info Structure

Please see the SPDX specification for further description of the property content and purpose.

This object is only needed if a Package/File/Snippet license is not listed in the SPDX License List

# Creating a License not in the SPDX License List
LicenseID= "LicenseRef-idstring" # Replace "idstring" with a unique identifier for the snippet.
newLicense= SpdxLicenseInfoV2(LicenseID)
License::SpdxLicenseInfoV2 [Clause 10]
    LicenseID::String [Clause 10.1]
    ExtractedText::String [Clause 10.2]
    Name::String [Clause 10.3]
    URL::Vector{String} [Clause 10.4]
    CrossReference::SpdxLicenseCrossReferenceV2 [Not Specified. An additional field in the SPDX JSON schema]
    Comment::String [Clause 10.5]

SPDX Relationship Structure

Please see the SPDX specification for further description of the property content and purpose.

# Creating a new Relationship
Relationship= "CONTAINS"
RelatedSPDXID= "SPDXRef-Pkg1"
relationship= SpdxRelationshipV2(SPDXID, RelationshipType, RelatedSPDXID)
Relationship::SpdxRelationshipV2 [Clause 11]
    SPDXID::String  [Clause 11.1]
    RelationshipType::String [Clause 11.1]
    RelatedSPDXID::String [Clause 11.1]
    Comment::String [Clause 11.2]

SPDX Annotation Structure

Please see the SPDX specification for further description of the property content and purpose.

Clause 12.4 (SPDX identifier reference field) is not directly implemented in this object. Instead the annotations are a property of the SPDX document, package, file, or snippet they are annotating.

# Creating a new Annotation
annotation= SpdxAnnotationV2()
Annotation::SpdxAnnotationV2 [Clause 12]
    Annotator::SpdxCreatorV2 [Clause 12.1]
    Created::SpdxTimeV2 [Clause 12.2]
    Type::String [Clause 12.3]
    Comment::String [Clause 12.5]