Samweli / isochrones

A tool for creating isochrones maps
25 stars 6 forks source link
isochrones python qgis-plugin

Isochrones Qgis Plugin

Tests Latest release

QGIS plugin that creates isochrones map from network data.

Isochrone example

Site - (still on development)


Install QGIS. Download it from Instructions on installing QGIS for different Operating Sytstems is available here

Install from QGIS plugin repository

After a successful install the plugin will be added to the QGIS plugins menu and database menu.

Install from a ZIP file

Install from a plugin custom repository

The plugin is available on a custom QGIS plugin repository that host the plugin most recent versions.

The plugin from the custom repository can be used to get the latest features that haven't landed on the official released plugin version that are published in the QGIS official plugin repository.

The plugin versions available through the custom repository will be flagged experimental. This is because the custom repository might contain plugin versions that have not been approved yet for official use.

When updating the plugin manager users should, in order to make sure the plugin manager fetches the experimental plugins from the custom repository.

Following the below steps to add the custom repository and install the plugin from it.

Install from source code


Postgres Database with version 9.5 or above, with Postgis(tested with version 3.1) and pgRouting (tested with version 3.1.3) extensions installed.

How to


Step 1
Step 2

You can watch the demo video here


The network data before imported in the database should be prepared for routing, information on doing this can be found here


Isochrones is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) as published by the Free Software Foundation.

The full GNU General Public License is available in LICENSE.txt or