A Minecraft Mod which adds tiny clay soldiers and additional content for those.
If you experience any bug, issue, crash whilst using this mod or you have any feature request, feel free to open a new issue over here > SanAndreasP/ClaySoldiersMod/issues!
If you want to add a new feature / possible bugfix to the mod, feel free to fork this repo, make your changes and make a Pull Request. Read the For Developers section below on how to get a workspace built.
If you want to develop a new addon for this mod, download the compiled jar file and add it as a library in your workspace (IDE required).
For the latter, you'll also need to get the Manager Pack Coremod from here > SanAndreasP/SAPManagerPack. Instructions on how to use that are in the README there.
Here are the Instructions on how to build a new workspace (for PullRequests / Maintainers) of this repo:
Have fun playing :squirrel: