SanAndreaP / ClaySoldiersMod

47 stars 34 forks source link

A Minecraft Mod which adds tiny clay soldiers and additional content for those.

For Players:

Please read this first if you're running a Mac! (or have Java 6)

If you experience any bug, issue, crash whilst using this mod or you have any feature request, feel free to open a new issue over here > SanAndreasP/ClaySoldiersMod/issues!

For Modders:

If you want to add a new feature / possible bugfix to the mod, feel free to fork this repo, make your changes and make a Pull Request. Read the For Developers section below on how to get a workspace built.
If you want to develop a new addon for this mod, download the compiled jar file and add it as a library in your workspace (IDE required).
For the latter, you'll also need to get the Manager Pack Coremod from here > SanAndreasP/SAPManagerPack. Instructions on how to use that are in the README there.

For Developers

Here are the Instructions on how to build a new workspace (for PullRequests / Maintainers) of this repo:

Have fun playing :squirrel: